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IQ Go anywhere


Well-Known Member
All right,my Blaziken learned the IQ skill of All terrain alloing it to walk on sky,water and lava.After it learned that,I gave it around 7 more gummis,how much more will it take until it learns the IQ Go Anywhere?


Normal Coordinator
I have another IQ question, what are ALL iq abilitys and what level (star wise) do you get them.

water types rule

Well-Known Member
If your Blaziken's IQ is at 12 stars, then I'm pretty sure it can't go any higher. I'm also pretty sure it can't learn any more IQ Skills either. But you can get all of it's stats to 999 by feeding it more and more Gummis in it's Friend Area.


Pokemon MD Addict
Ah, the great ability "Super Mobile". You need to get your IQ to max, which is 12 stars total. "All terrain hiker is at 8 stars, I believe, so... I think you'll probably need about 35 more Red/Orange Gummis or so. Mt. Blaze is a good place to get Red Gummis, and Sky tower has a TON of Pink, purple, and sky Gummis. It's relatively easy to get at least 15 in one go at the Sky tower.


What other dungeons have a ton of gummis? XD

I seem to have a hard time finding yellow/white gummis. ):


Glitch Hunting Freak
What other dungeons have a ton of gummis? XD

I seem to have a hard time finding yellow/white gummis. ):

All water places have loads of blue gummies and black gummies (like silver trench) But some like royal and gold are ether 1/1000 or find resue missions that give them...


wow that's weird because I tend to find more royal gummis than I do yellow gummis. XD
I found about 4 or 5 Royal G. on my first trip to Stormy Sea XD. Bwahahaha

Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member
I'll put the list up *edits post*


1: Item Catcher
2: Course Checker
3: Dedicated Traveler
4: Item Master
5: Exclusive Move-User
6: PP Checker
7: Efficiency Expert
8: Status Checker
9: Nontraitor
10: Self-Curer
11: Quick Dodger
12: Type-Advantage Master
13: Weak-Type Picker
14: Trap Avoider
15: Nonsleeper
16: EXP. Go-Getter
17: Energy Saver
18: Lava Evader
19: All-Terrain Hiker
20: Sure-Hit Attacker
21: Trap Seer
22: House Avoider
23: Super Mobile

thats all.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
how many stars for frenzy plant/hydro cannon/blast burn? it says needs 333IQ but dunno how much that is

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
This helpt so much! Now I have Super Mobile! And my belly doesn't go down because I'm not traveling on walls!


Well-Known Member
what does iq "super mobile" and "go anywhere" do?

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
what does iq "super mobile" and "go anywhere" do?

You can travel through walls, lava, clouds and water. Don't know what Go Anywhere is.


Yukimenoko Rox!!
You can travel through walls, lava, clouds and water. Don't know what Go Anywhere is.

there isn't an IQ "Go Anywhere"

Here's the list.

1 Stars - PP Checker
2 Stars - Status Checker, Efficiency Expert, Nontraitor
3 Stars - Self-Curer
4 Stars - Weak Type Picker, Trap Avoider, Quick Dodger, Type-Advantage master
5 Stars - Nonsleeper
6 Stars - Energy Saver, Exp. Go-Getter
7 Stars - Lava Evader
8 Stars - All-Terain Hiker
9 Stars - Sure-Hit Attacker
10 Stars - Trap Seer
11 Stars - House Avoider
MAX - Super Mobile