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Is a new fr me, so it's a new story


Active Member
Hi everyone! I'm kerriganrisevil but i prefer you call me simply Kerrigan. If my user id was longer, is because i was thinking about someone choose Kerrigan. Anyway

I was fashionate about Pokemon since my teenager and I collect all 151 pkmns in yellow, 251 in Silver and 386 in Saphyre. Sometime I like to draw, I draw since i was four years old. I Longing for Pokemon Pearl and to get all 493 hehe. Is why i bought DS.

My favourite steel pokemon is Metagross because it's awesomewith Meteor Mash.
Hey Ced! I'm glad you've made it here at last. Great to have you here :)


Blaziken rules!
Have a lot of fun!


Mew of Thunder
Hi everyone! I'm kerriganrisevil but i prefer you call me simply Kerrigan. If my user id was longer, is because i was thinking about someone choose Kerrigan. Anyway

I was fashionate about Pokemon since my teenager and I collect all 151 pkmns in yellow, 251 in Silver and 386 in Saphyre. Sometime I like to draw, I draw since i was four years old. I Longing for Pokemon Pearl and to get all 493 hehe. Is why i bought DS.

My favourite steel pokemon is Metagross because it's awesomewith Meteor Mash.
Welcome Kerrigan, want to be my friend


Active Member
why not Minun2. It will be a pleasure that you joine us but first, tell me more about your game progress