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Is all the members of SPPf was an anime character..

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Which one would they be?

I'd be Hatake Kakashi,or Kiyo Takamine,Sasuke,or Naruto Uzumaki.
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Damn,maybe the topic should be:

If SPPf members were they're own anime characters/anime characters..


Strawberry Milk
I would be Kid. I just seem to act like him and look like him(If you shrunk me to a child's size.)


Party Monster 8D
I would be Tio. I'm a tomboy like her :D


Rawr >3
i'd be like zeon, but not as cold-hearted.
I'd be Kazuma from s.CRY.ed, Strong, brave, and reckless


I'd be Kaitou Kid. 8D Yes, it'd mean a gender change(D:), but come on. I'm obviously his most obessive fan EVER. :O (and, around these forums, apparently his ONLY fan D:). Plus I'd get cool gadgets 8D(card gun, hang glider...)


I own the 5th gen
can game characters count? I would so like to be Maou/Magus from Chrono Trigger. I could look extremely bada**, and as a bonus, I can use powerful magic and can fly. Considering the bonuses, I 'could' be a DBZ character, get those same abilities (just replacing "magic" with "chi") and be even more powerful, but in my personal opinion, no one from DBZ looks as cool as Maou.... in fact, barely anyone, anime or game, could match his levels of bada**ness.


Old Coot
Probably either Edward Elric or Son Goku (Dragon Ball/Z/GT). Probably more Ed than Goku though. Why Goku? I'm hardheaded about things and see them through to the end once I've put my mind to it. I'm a bit of a dunce with some things and I care too much about generally everyone unless I'm annoyed. Plus I'm usually the first to do whatever it takes to help out someone, especially a friend.

Speaking of, friends of mine are people you don't want to mess with. Especially in front of me. All hell breaks loose. >_>;

Fullmetal Saiyan? D:
Chris,username Edward Elric would be plain obvious that he'd be...

Edward Elric XD

Or Son Goku,as he stated in his post.


Link Master
Probably Sheena, yaaay.

Locke Yggdrasill said:
considering Yggdrasill himself was not in any of the anime clips in Tales of symphonia, I'll just have to go with Mithos.
I KNEW it was Mithos at the beginning, not Colette. <_<

Anyway, I'd be Sheena from ToS. Yay for thirty second anime sequences!

... If I had to pick someone from an actual anime, probably Sango. Being Kagome would be awesome, except I'd make her cooler. =0
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