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Is Ash older?

Shiny Rokon

Well-Known Member
Ok, so we know Ash was 10 years old in the 1st episode. After the pokemon league or orange league misty/brock said something like it has been nearling a year since they were there last. So is Ash officially getting older, how old is he suppose to be, is he really still 10 and never going to age despite time obviously going by in the series?
So how old is he?

Lovely May

Probably he is 15. He doesn't look like a kid anymore.


In my opinion I'd say he is 16.


Well-Known Member
In the 3rd movie pika short, Ash mentions that he's been with Pikachu for a year, making him 11. Could be a dubbing thing, or continuity error. Or even true.


Champion Scientist
Its one of lifes great questions. In my opinion Ash looks the same age as he was at the start, the animation has changed over the series so you'd think he might look older.

Since Ashs age was not mentioned again after Kanto the question can't be answered but lets look at time shall we.

The have been 5 Christmas episodes that show Ashs team.

1 - The first is set when Ash had Charmander
2 - The second and third are both set in late Kanto
3 - the 4th and 5th are in mid Johto

By this logic Ash might be 13 but he may still be 10
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Well-Known Member
If you take height in the equation, Ash is clearly not ten anymore due to the fact that he's slightly taller than May. In general, it's intended for Ash to be older post-Johto. There's a reason why Veronica Taylor put some more bass into Ash's voice.
Swifty said:
If you take height in the equation, Ash is clearly not ten anymore due to the fact that he's slightly taller than May. In general, it's intended for Ash to be older post-Johto. There's a reason why Veronica Taylor put some more bass into Ash's voice.
Well...I thought Ash had another voicer in Kanto, but I don't know for sure...


Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
There is a thread on this in the Anime section you know?

Its titled the FAQ


In my opinion, Age dosen't seem to be a real concern to the writers, so I'm willing to believe that he's still ten

He may look slightly different that the beginiing, but animation does tend to change over time, just look at the Simpsons.


Ash is probably about 15. He has traveled Kanto, Orange Islands, Johto, Hoenn, and now Kanto again. If you count them as a year each, right now he should be 15.


Champion Scientist
I think Ash has gotten shorter, maybe hes getting younger and is about 8 XD.

No seriously I find it odd we only ask Ashs age but never anyone elses. Thats anyone else in Pokemon before you make any smart comebacks!


Team Rocket's rockin
The writers probably don't give it much thought. Either that, or they're just trying to make Ash look nearly the same as long as possible before they have to use some technique to make him look older (like a time warp, or something).

If he IS aging, he should probably be around 14 or 15.
~Official English sites all say Ash is ageless. I know most people don't count that as a good source for canon, BUT...
~It has been stated that Ash was 10 at the beginning of the series.
~It has been stated that May was 10 at the beginning of AG, which took place at least 3 years after the beginning of the show and probably more
~The official Japanese website says that Ash and May are the same age

Based on that, I'm going to conclude that the characters in Pokemon are ageless. IMO Max is 7; Ash, Misty, and May are 10; Brock and Tracey are 15; and Jessie and James are 25.