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Is Digimon back in the UK?


Hoenn Champion
I was watching the Jetix channel today, and on the adverts for half term shows, there were 2 clips from digimon. I know that this was not a recycled advertisement because it had some of the new shows in it.

So, my question. Is Digimon going to start airing again in the UK?


<<The Best
i hope i relly miss digimon


Hoenn Champion
I actually liked Digimon, and it is anime, so the more viers it get's, the more anime will be aired...I think. :p

I looked on the site, but could not find anything.


Feather Trainer
Please...air...now. I think. (Sorry for the weird post, I'm just jelous of my friend for going to Japan and and at the moment can't think what to type =P)