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is it bad to use a gameshark to get to places that's hard to get to

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I'm asking this because I'm thinking about buying a gameshark so i can get them tickets so i can the tickets to get mew and deoxys is that bad cheating or is it alright to do because you cant get them items in the game .


Well-Known Member
using warp codes to get to special islands is fine,but don't use codes to get 100 of masterballs or specific modifier cantching pokemon that aren't really there,can cause serious glitches.


Well-Known Member
using warp codes to get to special islands is fine,but don't use codes to get 100 of masterballs or specific modifier cantching pokemon that aren't really there,can cause serious glitches.

I did that , but I could not "get off" the islands.I just got stuck on birth island without even beeng able to solve the puzzle :( .

diablo l.o.d

zapdos's master
personaly i think its cheating to use game shark at all. diy dude


Well-Known Member
To the people that think cloning is ok, It is my opinion that if you think cloning is fine, so is cheating devices. I do both, but I limit what I do. For example, I use it for items since I clone, and it's faster to use an AR. But anyway, yeah get it, then just put in all the codes correctly and your fine.


Well-Known Member
PIkachu65 if that happens switch of the game try again on Naval Rock once you get there turn the device off,then go inside.


Well-Known Member
Or just warp somewhere else or use the ship. If you use the device to get somewhere, you might need it to get away lol.


Queen of Charizards!
I'm cool with my AR. I really don't care what happens to my game


Well-Known Member
saying that Pamizard if you use codes like stealing trainer's pokemon,walking through walls and others will corrupt your game,onlty the warp are goods,others are more hassle than they are worth.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Sorry everyone, the discussion of cheating DEVICES (specifically codes or not doesn't matter) isn't allowed on the forums.

For the record, this topic has come up many times, and everyone has their own opinion. I personally think you should decide for yourself what YOU think constitutes cheating, because it's your game and your morals.

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