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Is it just me

or are we going to have all the pokemon in there english name soon,pokemon diamond/pearl anime is almost in the usa,and the third 4th generation pokemon pearp is going to apper in the anime?
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SPPF's spammer
I sure hope they don't get cheesy names.


formerly R. New
Manaphy's was really imaginative. JP name: Manaphy. English name: Errr...Manaphy! I almost cried.

Some of them already seem to be quite obvious, but probably aren't.


Well-Known Member
What do u mean D/P are nearly here. They where just released in japan.

Anyway after most of the crappy names so far coughManaphy,Weavilecough i really am scared that there gonna have crappy names.
Because the english names of the episodes are going fast,and cartoonetwork is showing two new episodes insted of one.and i hope they won,t have stupid names ethier.


is it just you? that doesnt make any sense. i think its just you that we're getting english names soon. o_O

i dont know where you got the idea that d/p was coming out soon. its most likely coming out in march. and why is this in anime discussion?


Thank you, SPPf! :)
DP episodes won't start until like 4 or 5 episodes before the end of Season 9, and I'm sure CN will slow down showing so many new episodes soon. In fact, I'm fairly confident that there will be a period over the winter with no new episodes whatsoever.

dechoudens, I'll let someone else explain the consequences of "evading ban", but I believe it's somewhere in the rules.

Trainer Robert

Well-Known Member
And pretty soon this thread is gonna be lock if you guys stop going off the subject.

Any way..I do think by February that BF is going to end. If possible little earlier by January. I look at the Episode guide for BF doesnt seem to be alot of episodes for this season In my opinion that is.


Old Coot
Manaphy's was really imaginative. JP name: Manaphy. English name: Errr...Manaphy! I almost cried.

Some of them already seem to be quite obvious, but probably aren't.
Just like how it should be quite obvious that pretty much virtually every legendary, minus the first three birds, have kept and will continue to keep their original name?


Powerplay Champion
i dunno... i honestly don't mind a lot of them keeping their jap names...
they don't sound that bad.