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Is it me or......

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Well-Known Member
Glions awsome! Gets stab from both EQ and AA. Very good sweeper, and BPer since it learns Swords dance and Rock cart!

Maestro Kinético

Well-Known Member
Yeah, really overrated. Come on, there's even a guy who likes Dainose (mR. Potato Head) over all the Pokemon in this gen.

AJ Flibble

Yeah, really overrated. Come on, there's even a guy who likes Dainose (mR. Potato Head) over all the Pokemon in this gen.

Nothing wrong with having a different opinion. :eek:

However, most of the new evolutions are overrated, though some are deserving of it, especially battlewise, but the alternate Kirlia one whose name I can't remember is underrated. It's got good stats and an amazing movepool.

I don't like Glion though, but that's just me.


I personally think that people just need to try out a Pokemon and fight with it before self evaluating it. Like when Castform in the 3rd gen. I was like "Okay, I'll never use Castform, it must be like really weak! But I tried it because I have a scramble challenge right now and it's actually one of my best Pokemon!


I won't give up!
Most of them are overrated actually , I have to say pokemon like Jibacoil deserve it. But one of the best 4th gen pokemon ( in my opinion ) , Erureido , is really underrated.

Maestro Kinético

Well-Known Member
Personally, I fight with the Pokemon I like, not with the ones that have good movesets. And I don't like the Pokemon in this except some of them. That goes for the one that said that you have got to use a Pokemon in battle to have an opinion about it.


Well-Known Member
To me Jibacoil is underatted and eruredo is ovver rated. So many people had Erureido on their teams or future teams in the moveset threid and I only saw one jibacoil

Girafarig Girl

Beautiful but Deadly
Maybe because it's ugly (and unnecesarily, I don't know why did the designers put that ugly red thing in it's eye).

True, I don't even know why they made Magneton evolve. I mean, I thought Magneton was pretty good already, and I was even getting used to its design. Buuuttt, GF had to make it turn into some ugly hunk of metal with deformed parts. No offense to the fans of this monster... Its just my opinion.


you ask me there's to meany evolutions or pre-evolutions for pokemon we already know there should be more new pokemon.
It's awesome that under-appriciated pokemon such as Piloswine, Yanma, Magmar, and Gligar are getting some evos, and through such means, some recognition.;466; < Electabuzz's revenge!!!
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