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Is it ok to post a pornographic story here?

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Sky Lancer
Probably a dumb question o_O but I've noticed some pretty detailed sex scenes in alot of the fanfiction on this board. I was wondering if I were to post a pornographic story here would there be a strict penalty (bannage maybe) or would it really matter? I'm asking because I know most of the users here are pretty young...

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
If you would take the time to read the RULES the question would be answered for you already

If you have PERMISSION from a MOD you can post an R story. But do note if it is bad I will take all the time in the world to laugh at you. So unless you can really understand there is more to sex than sex, but emotion, changing how you can see a person, and etc- as even though people claim sex doesn't change someone, it does, I advise you to stay away from XXX like the plauge.


Just me
I think what's confusing you is that (for some absurd reason) the Shipping Fics section allows NC-17 fiction if it's mod-approved.

This is not the Shipping Fics section, so no porn here.


Really and truly
Dude, there's a difference between pornography and stories with just sex.

Porn is meant to turn someone on. That is the truth. Porn is sick and disgusting, and is pretty much meant for people who are never going to get laid, if I could direct you to this CAD comic.

As mentioned, there are poor little children on this site whose virgin eyes should not be destroyed by book porn, or worse yet, fic porn. Hence one of the reasons pornographic fics aren't allowed here, as blatantly mentioned in the rules.

And we're had entire debates on this, and the final concensus on having sex in fic is that it is allowed to a VERY small extent, but SEX SHOULD NOT BE IN A FIC FOR THE SOLE SAKE OF THERE BEING SEX IN THE FIC. Porn =/= there for a reason, since it is just made to turn people on.
If the sex is written by a mature person who knows what they're talking about and can write it tastefully, it is mildly accepted.

But seriously, wtf dude- you're fifteen. Why would you even ASK that question- I doubt you've even ever seen porn. I'm only a year older than you and I don't know a single person my age or younger who has ever watched porn. You're too young to worry about getting laid. >>

Final answer: no.



This Place is Death.
But seriously, wtf dude- you're fifteen. Why would you even ASK that question- I doubt you've even ever seen porn. I'm only a year older than you and I don't know a single person my age or younger who has ever watched porn. You're too young to worry about getting laid. >>

I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't post this since it's a bit off topic, but let me tell you; A lot of people have seen or perodically watch porn that are much younger than 16, and 15 even.


But seriously, wtf dude- you're fifteen. Why would you even ASK that question- I doubt you've even ever seen porn. I'm only a year older than you and I don't know a single person my age or younger who has ever watched porn. You're too young to worry about getting laid. >>

You must be in the wrong crowd of people (or actually the right crowd :()

Yeah, I wouldn't post pornographic fiction on here or you'll be in alot of hot water.


Really and truly
-.- I don't live under that big of a rock- I know that despite ratings, people who really shouldn't feel the need to, still watch porn. 8rolls eyes*
Buuuut us Jewish Candaian teenagers don't usually watch it. A lot of people I know can have 'real life porn' whenever they want. >> You wouldn't believe the stories from summer-camp.
Oh teh noes, porn wastes seed! That's why we don't watch it! [/omfghorriblejoke]

And anyways, just because little children watch it, doesn't make it right, or any less sick. Besides, do you think half these kids know what they're watching, or that they can *coughs* "appreciate" it? And watching porn, no matter how much, won't give you any 1337 skillz to actually write it, or at least not well.

At least if you've had, ah, proper sex you can give a basic description of it. If you don't know what you're talking about, don't write sex scenes- seriously, don't even consider it. You'll just come off as looking like an immature idiot who's just trying to make him/herself and possibly others horny.

I've never had sex. I've never watched pornography. The most I know about sex is from friends who have engaged in sexual activities (of many sorts, mind you) and from a book written very well with multiple sexual scenes- but there was still emotion and everything there, despite the fact that the two characters had a very complicated relationship and it was more lust than anything that drove them to have sex.
Summer Lovin'; sounds like teenlit, but trust me, my mother read it before I stole it from her and before she could protest. Amazing book, by the way.

But I probably won't run off and try to write a sex scene. >>



Well, Psychic, answer me this: would you ever have sex yourself if the opportunity presented itself to you?


Well, Psychic, answer me this: would you ever have sex yourself if the opportunity presented itself to you?

I think your now crossing several bounderies that shouldn't be crossed.

Plus it's way off topic now.

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
I think your now crossing several bounderies that shouldn't be crossed.

Plus it's way off topic now.

Yes and very rude. STFU Clockworkz, and go away D: *shoots Clockworz in the groin*

Oh teh noes, porn wastes seed! That's why we don't watch it!


Actually I don't watch it as I find it gross. Yet I read it sometimes ... maybe it's cause there's more emotion and depth to it story wise than just have atting it with the random naked nurse or what not XD

Psychic did another good point;
And we're had entire debates on this, and the final concensus on having sex in fic is that it is allowed to a VERY small extent, but SEX SHOULD NOT BE IN A FIC FOR THE SOLE SAKE OF THERE BEING SEX IN THE FIC.

There's also much other better things then sex in fic.

Sexual Tension.

Throw two people that hate/love eachother and watch the sparks fly. It's like .. playing with gas and fire. You know it aint over untill someone ends up blown sky high, burned and crispy.

But yeah for the most part the question has been answered. Porn fics don't go in the fanfiction section. Thank god.


christian 4ever
people stop it.....porn is bad....im 12 and nobody in my school likes that............so stop..my parent dont aloud me to even watch r


Really and truly
Well, Psychic, answer me this: would you ever have sex yourself if the opportunity presented itself to you?
Answer me this: what does that have to do with the topic at hand, and why are you making my personal life your business?

If the opportunity arose in the form of a boy who I liked and who liked me back, then yes. But to me, sex is more than just throwing yourself onto a bed and doing it with whoever is available.
Hence I have no respect for those people who appear in pornographic movies and magazines.

But that's a topic for another day. If you want to know every little detail about me, maybe we should do it where there is a bit more privacy.

Thank you Yams for actually staying on topic and not jumping on me. *hugs*

squirtleboy12 said:
people stop it.....porn is bad....im 12 and nobody in my school likes that............so stop..my parent dont aloud me to even watch r
I'm sorry, dear. I think you're right, and you should probably keep out of this topic- things might get worse around here. And your parents are right in not letting you watch it.

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Sexual Tension.

I forgot about this D:

Actually, this is always alot more amusing then sex itself... unless it's written horribly by a teen who's desparete to get some. Then that's even more hilarious.


Well-Known Member
Well, everyone given the answer that porn isn't allowed here, but I have my own commentary to add.

Yami and Psychic, perhaps it is because you are both female that you dislike porn, as most porn is male-oriented. However I, and 70% of other 18-24 males along with me, like it as harmless (unless it isn't in which case I don't like it) sexual fun. But this is besides the point (and more a topic for the Debate Forum).

Porn in fic form I don't really like, as its hard to get engrossed in words instead of images. In fics that aren't complete porn, I prefer the romantic parts of a relationship over the sexual parts, partly because that is usually better written, but also because I find anything too graphic (sex, violence whatever) will distract from the main purpose of the story. Unless the sex is the story, in which case refer to two sentences back.


Jello Pokéballs
I agree that porn watching is mainly a guy thing. Even at twenty three I have not desire to ever watch it, as I, being a girl, like romance novels (not all girls love romance novels I know, but they are marketed mainly to us, and basically written porn with a plot in the form of erotica.)
In many things I have read on the subject it was said that males are more drawn to video and pictures while we females like to read and picture scenes in our imagination, as we link the act of sex to a deeper emotional level, with males it is more physical...

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
Yami and Psychic, perhaps it is because you are both female that you dislike porn, as most porn is male-oriented.
In many things I have read on the subject it was said that males are more drawn to video and pictures while we females like to read and picture scenes in our imagination, as we link the act of sex to a deeper emotional level, with males it is more physical...

And if you both have watched Coupling, you'd both realise you're both right, but we've all gotten off topic and before we even go more off topic, I'll ask a mod to close this as getting notes for spamming in this thread would be kinda silly D:
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