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Is it ok to use gs to get Lunatone on Emerald


******** Guy
Oh, crap. You just need a Sapphire Game, sheesh. I suggest not. Since the rewards after completion are not worth it. But it's your game. For me, I already have all 3 Johto Starters.


Furret rocks
If you can't trade, then yeah, go for it, I say.


Well-Known Member
though it is unethical, if none of your friends are willing to let you borrow their sapphire (assuming they have it) or trade you a lunatone, i say go ahead.
Off topic(ish): do you think it would be ok to cheat a shiny bulbasaur i got cheated into losing


******** Guy
@ Castar: Yeah, go for it. Hahaha.

If you can't get Sapphire, maybe you can do it. Still, I'm waiting for a Zangoose to come. :( No Ruby.