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Is it possible to rename pokemon you get from another trainer?

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Credendo Vides
This is probably a really stupid question, but I've just started playing for the first time. I was given a couple of pokemon games - firered and leafgreen. The leafgreen has a bunch of pokemon on it already that are pretty cool (the mew and ditto are blue for some weird reason) but they don't have any special names. I was hoping I could start my own new game on the firered and then trade some of the pokemon onto there, but I'd really like to rename them. Is it possible???


Well-Known Member
oh, before i answer your question, they're blue because they're shiny. the rarest kind of pokemon to catch! no. you cannot rename them. i've tried it many times. maybe the trainer who had it before you wants the name kept?


Credendo Vides
Well, most of them don't have special names, they're just 'charizard' and 'ditto' and the regular names, that's why I wanted to give them better names. But I don't think my brother really cares if I renamed the other ones or not, I don't think he likes pokemon anymore.

I thought it was a glitch that they were blue! Haha. He seems to have a lot of weird colored pokemon, the Charizard is black, too. I'll have to ask him how he got them.


Well-Known Member
Nope, you cant rename traded pokemon, sadly.

EmberStar the Blaziken

Kung-Pow Chicken
Well, most of them don't have special names, they're just 'charizard' and 'ditto' and the regular names, that's why I wanted to give them better names. But I don't think my brother really cares if I renamed the other ones or not, I don't think he likes pokemon anymore.

I thought it was a glitch that they were blue! Haha. He seems to have a lot of weird colored pokemon, the Charizard is black, too. I'll have to ask him how he got them.

He used a cheating device.

Anyway, I doubt the whole no name change thing will ever change.
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