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Is it possible?


the mystic
Is it possible to collect all of the pokemon (4th gen not included of course) by having all of the 3rd gen versions and by going to the nintendo events? Do you have to use a cheating device to get certain pokemon?
Yes, but I think all the 3rd Gen. Nintendo Events are over
Now all we have to do is the wait for 4th Gen. Nintendo Events

Jay star

Coordinator Lover
I live in uk and uk never get any pokemon events ATALL, well we get crappy mew things but i have mew from a mate, he dosent like training legendary pokemon just wants there pokedex so :D more for me rofl but my main teams are never made of legendary pokemon or ever have legendary pokemon on them til after ive done the league.
I've been to almost every Nintendo event so it no excuse I should go to the 4th Gen. ones (not bragging)


Pokemon Collecter
Yes, they are. I've completed the dex, and the only time I cheated was to trigger events because they never do events here. ¬_¬


I am the game
Australia never get events.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it's possible to get all 3rd Gen pokes, my friend here, Ropa-to, got completed National Dex, thanks to me for helping him.


fuk yo couch ***** !
what other way would there be ?
if it wasnt possible to get all of them through owning all the 3rd gen games plus getting all the legendaries from nintendo events, how else would you get 3rd gen pokes ?
cheating devices are general no-go and nintendo would never make a pokemon that was only obtainable through the use of one..
so basically, yeh, you can get them all that way :)


The Master...
It sux that nintendo doesn't give canada nintendo events even thoiught it would be a 1 hour flight!!!!
So much that theyd look out for us.......i wish theyd come by ottawa or toronto and say here have a wonder spot(clebi maybe)i dont even like celebi that much
come nintendo be fair


the mystic
I just don't know how to get all of the jhoto pokemon. Especially the starters.


oblivion weilder
so i guesse all the good d/p legendaries are gonna be event pokes like arseus and others


fuk yo couch ***** !
yeh, im pretty sure the sites already stated the event pokemon. darkrai, aruseus, and i forget the other ones name, the little grass hedgehog thing. and on emerald you get the johto starters for completing the hoenn dex. only one of them though. and the rest are available from either leafgreen, firered or r/s/e. between them and nintendo events every pokemon (minus 4th gen obv.) are obtainable.


yeah ti is possible-sadly events are not close to my area so i would either ahve to drive(not gonna happen) or miss out again(always happens) i hope that the use the wii to download the event pkmn since i am getting that.


Eevee Trainer
Yes, it's possible, but you have to use Collo. and XD to get Ho-oh and Lugia. Which is the problem for me, since I don't have XD yet, and I'm working on getting Ho-oh. And getting Celebi and Deoxys will be hard, too, since Texas is usually left out of events, save for maybe Austin.