I always knew that the is no unbeatable pokemon, and the was a thread named "what is the strongest pokemon", I posted that there is no such thin as the strongest pokemon, everything has it's weakneses. But now I somehow starting to doubt that. I looked at Mewtwo stats and moveset, and it has everything. Probably the best movepool in the game and awsome stats to it. For it's """""low""""" uber defenses it has moves like Barrier, for defense and calm mind for special defense and special attack. Fof Attack Swords dance and for special attack calm mind. Recover for HP and it does not need anything for speed, 394 is more then enough to outrun 95% of all the pokemon in the game. It can go against anything!?
I know you can't put all those moves in his moveset, but you can always change it around depending on your opponent.
Do you agree?
lol, you think Mewtwo has everything?
Well, take a look at
Arseus's stats! (Yeah, I know Arseus is a fourth generation pokemon, but still)
Anyway, Mewtwo does "have it all" or so you say. It has the stats, movepool, ect. to dominate in every battle, but that doesn't mean it can go against everything, or is indestructable, it isn't completey broken anymore.
No matter how you use it, Mewtwo will always some pokemon that can counter it, or wall it. Most Mewtwos are special sweepers, so pokemon such as Blissey or Regice or Defense form Deoxys can wall it due to their superior special defense. Then for the odd physical Mewtwo, high defense pokemon like Skarmory and Deoxys (defense form) can wall it. It just depends on what set it's using.
Also, Mewtwo is banned from almost every major competition, and is restricted to the uber metagame on NetBattle, so you either don't have to worry about facing it, or can use other ubers against it.
So Mewtwo does have absolutely godly base stats and a very wide movepool and whatnot, but that doens't neccassairily mean he's undefeatable or the 'best' pokemon, because there'll always be some pokemon that can stop him eventually. And what if he's being used by some n00b who doesn't know how to use him right? Then they'd pretty well be screwed.