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Is it true...

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I am the game
Is it true you can steal battle factory pokemon by holding L when the guy says: Right this way.


I am the game
I just saw a video on youtube that when it said right this way please, a note popped up and said hold L when you are walking with him to the entrance to vs people.


um, and stuff
I just saw a video on youtube that when it said right this way please, a note popped up and said hold L when you are walking with him to the entrance to vs people.
That's a cheat, from a GS code look again and view the full description then come back and post.


Belgian Waffles!!!
Of course its fake but can you show us the link ThegameHHH?


"Using the gameshark's warp codes to steal pokemon from the battle factory in Emerald. You can do this in the battle factory in Pokemon Emerald ONLY, do not ask about anything else. Also, you can enter in either 50 or 100, it doesn't matter.

from the description. there's no way to do it without an external cheating device.


I am the game
Ok i was just wondering. And i wonder why it said that thing anyway????In the middle of the clip


Good at Life.
It gave you that text because it was more of a walkthrough or a show-me of how to use the code instead of a "LOL OMG STEAL FRONTIER POKES" kind of thing.
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