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Is Kyogre the best water type pokemon?


Well-Known Member
Yes and no. It's restricted to ubers because of it being too good. Pick Gyarados or Milotic for standard.


Well-Known Member
To me Kyogre is the best water type and always will be. It is different for every trainer, like True_Eriorguez said its an obber and and a lot of paople don't use it for that reason.


Yes. Plain and simple. It is uber godly. Yes it rocks. It is the best water type.
Calm Mind/Thunder/Ice Beam/Surf
It rocks. nuff said.

Sparky:Electric Guardian

< Me and Pokedolls
True.The best one and the poster above me is right with the moveset.

It really depends, but with a uber moveset
Calm Mind
Ice Beam


Eevee Trainer
No, I think Vaporeon is. But that's just me. ^_^ Kyogre is good and all, but being uber and whatnot, it's overused. It's also pretty easy to beat, if you have the right Pokemon with you. Personally, I just fry it up to make soup using my Magneton. ;082;


Yes and no. It's restricted to ubers because of it being too good. Pick Gyarados or Milotic for standard.

I like Swampert or Starmie better for OU.

And yes, there's a reason why Kyogre is the only Water-type Uber. It's because it's the only Water-type powerful enough to be categorized as Uber, which means that it's also the best Water-type, battle-wise. Of course, some people who play favorites (ho hum) will tell you otherwise; I'm surprised ShinyManafi didn't say the Manaphy is the best Water-type.
I like Swampert or Starmie better for OU.

And yes, there's a reason why Kyogre is the only Water-type Uber. It's because it's the only Water-type powerful enough to be categorized as Uber, which means that it's also the best Water-type, battle-wise. Of course, some people who play favorites (ho hum) will tell you otherwise; I'm surprised ShinyManafi didn't say the Manaphy is the best Water-type.

Actually its only cause I haven't actually used a Manaphy yet, so I don't know how good Manaphy is, anyway, Kyogre has a relation to Manaphy
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Grass Guardian

Rags to Riches
Statistically and battlewise- duh...

As for my favorite wise- Hell no! Hell will freeze over the day I ever pick that oversized, spectical-wearing shark over my beloved Gyarados and Kingdra.


Is feeling happy. :D
Depends. If it knows a good moveset. Anyway, I don't like it 100%.


Well-Known Member
Pretty much but only b/c it's legendary. Parukia'll knock it out, but that's just my opinion.
Water types I have trained in the past.


Yes, so any of these, In my opinion I would say are good water Pokemon.

Rod Master

The Fishing Guru
No doubt Kyogre is the strongest water type out there - was the main reason i chose Sapphire over Ruby (Groudon = lame).

Grass Guardian

Rags to Riches
No doubt Kyogre is the strongest water type out there - was the main reason i chose Sapphire over Ruby (Groudon = lame).

Haha, you're kidding right? Groudon is at the top of the uber list-yes, stronger than Kyogre. Groudon is a better pokemon to have on a team. Any water pokemon can replace Kyogre. Kyogre has alot of unneeded power. Starmie could go in there and do just as good. Groudon, however, is a team player and he can benfit your whole team. You can use more variety on your team with him. Definetly much more variety then a bunch of water and electric pokemon. :/

In short, battlewise- Groudon is better than Kyogre and you can ask any competitive battler, and they'll say the same.