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Is Marowak awsome or is it just me!!!

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Omg i finally found my fire red and got a cubone traded that cubone ( with bone club might I add) and traded it to my emerald omg it owned it beat the elite for at level 60 by itself only used potions and stuff for the ice #$%^& but other then that it owned them..

I just wanted to take a few moments of your time and tell you about it..
Marowak For Gov.


Well-Known Member
marowak is preety cool... i think it looks cool and is really strong... but sadly i hardly ever put one on my team because you cant get it until late!


<I'll never get one

Nah he's alright he's okay cubone was my first pokemon card


Well-Known Member
I really like Marowak. It happens to be a Pokemon I use on a regular basis, and my Ruby Tough contest Pokemon. However, Kabarudon has take it's place as one of my favorite Ground-types.


Furret rocks
Marowak's okay, but I prefer Golem, when it comes to Ground Pokemon.


Leave my posts alone
Marowak is cool for the Bone attacks. While not the strongest, they are unique and cool!


Powerplay Champion
Marowak is cool,
but easy to take out with special attacks...


Well-Known Member
Marowak is Awsome, it's the leader of my Blue Rescue team! Team DemonSkull


The new tuxedo look!
It'sgood, but beware of milotic and swampert when you haven't sword danced yet.
yeah its one of my faves~

I have it on my LG team, and when I get pearl I expect I'll tranfer it over and have it on my team..

if I don't just do what I always tend to do and just have a load of normal types D: xD


I love garlic. :P
Well... Trained one in my Emerald, from level 5... It's on level 60 by now... Yeah, it a pretty good one... And it's NOT ev trained...(I dont do that stuff)


Well-Known Member

best thread for months

marowak is illin, thrillin, microbone killin' ! !

they're so short and hard it's immense.

I'm a cubone on RT woowooooPP! !

I have one in my leafgreen too and he pwns all y00 n00bzzz
Omg i finally found my fire red and got a cubone traded that cubone ( with bone club might I add) and traded it to my emerald omg it owned it beat the elite for at level 60 by itself only used potions and stuff for the ice #$%^& but other then that it owned them..

I just wanted to take a few moments of your time and tell you about it..
Marowak For Gov.

Yeah, Marowak is awsome!It learns strong attacks.
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