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is MD worth buying?

card l

Beginning Trainer
i am getting a DS in a couple of weeks and i was wondering if mystery dungeon (DS version)is worth buying for £24.99 to £29.99 (it varies from shop to shop)


In my opinion, yes.


I enjoyed it. But it was harder than I thought.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it's challenging, thats for sure.

frontier champion

Well-Known Member
Yes you should buy it, it is very challenging game and getting all 386 pokemon is very hard but fun too. An awesome game to get your mind off of things
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Swirling Squirtle

Water Master
yeah I LOVED THIS GAME of course i thought it would be easy cause its pokemon but i mean, the challenges taught me alot from this game soo dont judge it right away and it is VERY addicting lol


Knight of Oblivion
it depends on your gaming tastes, the games i prefer are like MD so i have no problem with it but others might

Nightmare the Scyther

Altaria x Aerodactyl
I only borrowed it from my friend for two days, but during those days, I didn't do anything but eat, shower, and play. And I only got a total of 8 hours of sleep. It's a bit challenging in the beginning, but the more you play, the more fun and easier it gets!


ooo, what's cooking?
yes, no duh! Greatest game eva, cause u can get all 386 pokemon without trading (u use wondermail), and get the legendares that u normally need a convention to get, like mew. The story line is awesome and touching, and it's adicting. Some parts r tiny bit boring and hard, but here's my tip to u. Use the wm request generatr on this forum to get lvls for ur guys and it'll be a bit ezier.

the legend master

Well-Known Member
it rules all games

card l

Beginning Trainer
thanks, i will definitely be buying this now, it looks fun, i played a demo at the 10th ann. tour, and wasn't sure.

you've all made up my mind for me