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Is mew a good pokemon to start out with?


Credendo Vides
I just started playing pokemon for the first time and I have both firered and leafgreen and leaf already has a bunch of pokemon on it, so I thought that when I started playing the other game from the beginnning I could just send some pokemon from leaf to my starting team. Is this a good idea? Or not?

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
NO. The game is supposed to be a challenge some how. Unless you're cheap and just want to win easily....


WaterGround Trainer
just start with what you have if it ur first time playing the game there is no need to send any pokes from the other game


Powerplay Champion
do it if you want... i personally think it'd be fun,
and isn't that the point of the game?


Well-Known Member
if you want to then go ahead


Natsu no Maboroshi
Just start with the poke you want. Myuu is pretty good, especially if you want a special sweeper :p


Well-Known Member
Yes. Come on, you beat the game before, might as well try something new. Maybe try doing a mew only challenge.


What's the point of playing pokemon for the first time if you won't be challenged?
If you have fun with the challenge of your first ever team?

If youve already finnished the game once then go ahead and have fun with mew^_^

I recomend thunderdancer:


Isn't there a problem with this though? You can't use a traded Pokemon above level 30 until after the 2nd badge. You can't use a level 50 or something Pokemon until after badge 4. So on and so forth.

Is this true? I think so, but then again, I've never tried it out. The badges have always been so easy for me I don't even bother with trading until battle fronteir.
You can if you want, but as mentioned above, you'll need badges and Mew might grow levels too fast


Confusion is bliss
personally i was never really challenged by pokemon games, but i love em 2 death. i say, go for it if u wanna.

off topic: my friend did just that a while ago; started a new game on sapphire and is using a mew as a party pokemon.


Furret rocks
I think it'd be rather cheap.


Powerplay Champion
hmmm, thinking bout it...
it'd be more fun to start off with a pokemon like larvitar or dratini... not legendary, yet makes the game much more fun:)
or try an all eevee team.


Mayness Yayness!
Well my brother used to trade the beldum he got from steven unto his new file at level 5 so he could use it for the whole journey.


Well-Known Member
If you want to.
Mew is an awesome pokemon, I have one on my Ruby. I raised him from level 10 all the way to level 100, and now he is a vital part in my team, along with my Celebi, Jirachi, Umbreon, Torchic and Kirlia. :)


Strawberry fields.
Choose whatever Pokémon you want. It's really up to you, so go ahead and use Mew.


Sure if you want too. It's a good pokemon to start with but it's your life not anyone elses.