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is muchlax the preevolve form of snorlax?

Because dechoudens was a SPAMMER who came on and posted loads of spammy threads, got banned, created a new account, did the same, got banned, and is now back in the form of THIS GUY!
yes he is, see movie 7 for proof!
A tremendously smart question eh? Then how come your grammer isn't tremendously smart? Hmmm? dechoudens
cause i leave it up to you to correct me. u know, since u are obviously a fan of me.
I don't have a life do I? I have more of a life than someone who get's banned then makes more accounts to spam up this forum!
sure. im here to make threads and get some questions. period. end of story. im not here to get anyone or myself in trouble. appereantly thats your job.
Well then how come you asked the question that EVERYONE knows the awnser to, AND in the wrong section as well. Sounds very n00bish if you ask me dechoudens.


Well-Known Member
i love u cuz u r a spmmr jst lyk m3!1

If you atleast have an IQ of one, then you'd pick up my sarcasm. Too bad the creator of this thread can't even reach half of an IQ... And for the record, Munchlax would NEVER turn into Snorlax, really. It's not like they look the exact same, have almost the same names and do the EXACT same thing, right?
ive been a member for 3 days only. appereantly a rookie gets tough love in this site
And appereantly you think we are stupid enough to not figure out that you and dechoudens are one and the same. You really think we are dumb arses like you?


Contaminated KFC
Serebii forums: Smarter than the average bear.
The real question should be.
'Is Iloveofficersjennybooty dechoudens again?' to which the awnser is yes.