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Is my friend a cheater?


He uses this combo every time:

Double Battle:
Misdreavus + Wobbuffet

Wobbuffet switches with Exploud

Misdreavus uses Perish song

Exploud blocks it with sound proof

Perish fell to 3

yadda yadda for 1 more turn

Misdreavus switches for Wobbuffet

I try to switch but can't, and 2 Pokemon die.

He is so cheating and I KNOW IT!!


Good at Life.
He's not cheating. You just happen to be getting owned.

* Play someone with Soundproof.

* Make the most you can out of those three turns you do have. If he kills two of your guys, kill two of his. That way it's a fair trade and you don't have to be stuck at 4-6 or worse.

* Killing Missy off before she can cast Perish Song would probably be the best way to do this (a lot of faster guys learn Shadow Ball and she's got some low Defense).

* Roar Missy out and use Explosion if you think someone you're going to miss is gonna die. Roaring Missy is, of course, because she's a Ghost .. and you don't wanna go one-for-one when you can kill two of his guys for one of yours.


The new tuxedo look!
He's no cheater. I use that combo against my sister too. Except that I have altaria instead of misdreavus, and electrode instead of exploud.
no, it means he's got tactics, imo. You just have to be aware of this and block it out with some decent moves/abilities.


Out of a crazy mind.
No. It's strategy. As long as he isn't using a GS/AR, it isn't a cheated battle.

EDIT: BTW, why can't you try to knock out the Exploud? o.o
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Well-Known Member
It doesn't mean he's cheating, it just means he's a jerk.

My solution: Stop being friends with him. Or break his GBA.


Wobbuffet prevents switching out.
Thank you for that tidbit. We are aware of that.

If you already know what it's going to do, than you should switch the turn Wobbs is pulled back in, unless Shadow Tag makes him come in first, and prevent, for some reason.

Soundproof is a decent strategy, but which one is up to you. Same goes for Explosion and Roar.

Since he insists on being cheap anyway, you could try having Protect or Detect, and avoiding the song with one guy. You merely delay the tactic, but it could give you a little time as he wastes a turn. Unless the Wobbs is using Encore, and thinks to, it could also shield you from Explosion.

~Ero Oyagi~

Well-Known Member
That's a pretty good strategy, but not one that can't be beaten. My friend tried something similar to that but I defated both his Pokémon within the three turns. It's definitely not cheating.


I don't double battle, but that wob-switching perish song strategy sounds good. *takes note of it* :D


Well-Known Member
It's not cheating, just good strategy. Counter it with your own, me says.

Have a Slaking and a Skill Swapper, like Slowking.
Since your friend will waste one turn switching and using Perish Song, use that turn to have Slaking use Shadow Ball on Misdreavus. In the same turn, use Skill Swap with Slowking on Slaking. And there you go, a Slaking without Traunt.
If Slowking survives for another turn, you can even Skill Swap Traunt to an opponent.


So Zetta Slow!
Your friends a genius!! I should try that too...
...but he used an uber so I think he has an advantage...but stil...that's a great strategy!!...hehehe


In Double battles, Wobbuffet isn't as much as an uber, since it makes it much tougher for him to survive an onslaught, but still, yeah, this is an example of how it can still be quite the force.


Venusaur The Best
Well its been said but he definetly not cheating

Your best bet is to either kill the wobbuffet or switch the pokemon with the perish song out try use somthing like exploud or use a strategy


Natsu no Maboroshi
I don't think so...


The new tuxedo look!
As mentioned before, it's just a good strategy. But when I used it against my sister her alakazam's ice punch killed my altaria before it could perish song anything. Oh, well, sems like another "invincible" strategy went down the toilet. :(