that is a HORRIBLE screenshot...
Why can't Nintendo have 'fan service' in its games? Anyway, I don't think this is fan service.
Yeah, considering like 95% of the fanbase is young men.
OMFG HE'S HOT - j/k xD
But I think they may be, I mean look at the scantily clad Samus Aran in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, lol.
But still, the majority of the Zelda fanbase is 95% Who cares, videogames are about showing naked people all the time these days xDDDD
But Samus in SSBB doesnt even look too much like Samus to begin with o-O;
CAD Has a comic on that...
Thats one of the reasons I greatly appreciate Nintendo, they havent decended to having Link beat hookers on Epona yet...yet... *CoughGTAHyruleCough*
And thats because she's super sexy Fanservace Samus, besides, didnt she use to have Brown hair or somthing?