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Is Nintendo trying to do fan service?

Soul Dew

Here's my evidence:



perpetually tired
It is a screen shot after all. Perhaps Link needs to do something for a village (in a dungeon) and needs to do it in their clothing. It could contribute to the storyline someway.

On the other hand we may have multiple costumes. This being one of them. IF that is the case, there might be worse ones...


Cascade Trainer
Well by the looks of it this seems to be around the begining of the game and Link's shirt may be on the clothesline. Or maybe Link's shirt get torn to shreds in a cutscene. Or I could think of one more thing at the end....
that is a HORRIBLE screenshot...


Super Gamer
Why can't Nintendo have 'fan service' in its games? Anyway, I don't think this is fan service.

Yeah, considering like 95% of the fanbase is young men.

OMFG HE'S HOT - j/k xD

But I think they may be, I mean look at the scantily clad Samus Aran in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, lol.

Yeah, considering like 95% of the fanbase is young men.

OMFG HE'S HOT - j/k xD

But I think they may be, I mean look at the scantily clad Samus Aran in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, lol.


But what about the Female Fanbase? I know a friend of mine who would more then apreciate that screen.

Whats Next? Mario in a Speedo? The next Pokemon Herione being a bondage herione?


Super Gamer
But still, the majority of the Zelda fanbase is 95% male...lol. Who cares, videogames are about showing naked people all the time these days xDDDD

But Samus in SSBB doesnt even look too much like Samus to begin with o-O;

how does that not look like Samus without the armor suit on?


Well-Known Member
well Link has the pointy ear and samus doesn't
But still, the majority of the Zelda fanbase is 95% male...lol. Who cares, videogames are about showing naked people all the time these days xDDDD

But Samus in SSBB doesnt even look too much like Samus to begin with o-O;


CAD Has a comic on that...
Thats one of the reasons I greatly appreciate Nintendo, they havent decended to having Link beat hookers on Epona yet...yet... *CoughGTAHyruleCough*

And thats because she's super sexy Fanservace Samus, besides, didnt she use to have Brown hair or somthing?


Cascade Trainer
I found out what the screenshot is!!!!! I recently found a screenshot of Link fighting a goron in hand to hand combat without his shirt!!!! Im guessing in that screenshot that were talking about Link is about to fight in some kind of goron training arena.
dude what the hell keep those spoilers out of here


Super Gamer
CAD Has a comic on that...
Thats one of the reasons I greatly appreciate Nintendo, they havent decended to having Link beat hookers on Epona yet...yet... *CoughGTAHyruleCough*

And thats because she's super sexy Fanservace Samus, besides, didnt she use to have Brown hair or somthing?

LOL - Xtreme Beach Volleyball? xDDDDDD

Oh well who cares if there is fanservice or not? xD
