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Is Shinou the last league?


<--Yay New me!
Now is a good time to ask this. A year from now this question may be answered. This is base on what you THINK not what you want.

In a magazine I once read Satoshi, Creators of the game and the show were interviewed and said that EVERY pokemon they ever created was going to be on the show therefore once knowledge of a new game and new generation then most likely we can say there's another league and a season. To prove this infomation when I get home this weekend I can scanned this magazine and show it.

Now like with Jirachi, and Deoxys there probably are some more new pokemon but in the 4th generation.

I really think this is the last because of all the evolutions of other pokemon in the past. I just think that because being if it is the last season then it was there last chance to make other evolutions.

Ironic I once read a critic’s review of the the 3rd Movie saying pokemon is dying and crying for hours I even use to hate yugioh cause I thought it was "killing" pokemon now I'm on my knees begging for it to end and put my out of my suicidal pokeshippy suffering. I admit it, I'm pathetic. *laughs at self* My apologies to those who don't want to think about it ending.-__-


I think it depends on how well d/p sell in the U.S. If it goes well they might think of making another generation or make the Ultimate Pokemon game were you can go to every region/islands and catch every pokemon.


...oi. *builds brick wall* *proceeds to ram head into it*

I'll never get why people are so obsessed with saying that EVERY GAME will be the last. .-. Pokemon's still making tons of money, so there's no way anyone with even a HINT of a brain would stop it. The only solid sign that Pokemon will end will be if/when sales figures ever drop dangerously low. Until then, you can count on GF to continue pumping out games like no tomorrow. And people will claim that each one is the last all the way. D:


[Insert Wacky Title]
I doubt they'll ever stop until Satoshi Tajiri dies, or maybe someone will continue on with all of his ideas that haven't yet been created, until all of the ideas are over. Who knows, even then, they might have even more ideas for new Pokemon, and the series will continue. Eventually, it will have to end, but whether we're anywhere near it is a mystery yet to be solved.


Well-Known Member
I think there will be atleast two more Reigons. The whole of the East Coast of Japan isn't even a Pokémon reigon yet. I think it'll end when all reigons of Japan are places in Pokémon.


Not the color
Double thread?

Anyways like I've said before, no Pokemon rakes in too much money to end now. And I wish people wouldn't encourage Nintendo..


Rather bizarre
Pokémon will end when Mario does so.


Rather bizarre
I hope it will end soon. The new saga is really very boring. Nothing new is there.

New girl. New rival (finally with B*LLS). New POKEMON!!!

I guess this is enough for a repetetive show like this ;)


Restoring the Kanto
OMG, You're Pathetic.

Junichi Masuda said LONG ago that Shinou games would be the last ones. That probably means few other spinoff games, such as Link and Ranger, GS Remake (although not really needed, we could obtain all Pokemon now), and Pokemon Titanium.Platinum/Whitegold/Amethyst/whatever they call 3rd Shinou Game.


Well-Known Member
OMG, You're Pathetic.

Junichi Masuda said LONG ago that Shinou games would be the last ones. That probably means few other spinoff games, such as Link and Ranger, GS Remake (although not really needed, we could obtain all Pokemon now), and Pokemon Titanium.Platinum/Whitegold/Amethyst/whatever they call 3rd Shinou Game.


If it is true what you said then it will end.

But I don't think it is true, why stop the pokemonseries if they still earn loads of money with it. I think they will continue the series, and the games. THe games are a good indication of the series, like people above stated. That is why I think they will continue, because the games where sold really good in Japan IIRC, so if the same thing happens in the rest of the world, they won't stop it.


Restoring the Kanto
They could still use the Pokemon World, but from another side... like Dungeon and Ranger, continuing anime without Ash (i hope!), etc... well, dunno.

No, i don't have any proof. I only recall some Pokemon sites (even Serebii, AFAIR) posting that news some time ago.


Well-Known Member
Its no where near ending. The sales for the games are still going strong so why would they end it now
OMG, You're Pathetic.

Junichi Masuda said LONG ago that Shinou games would be the last ones. That probably means few other spinoff games, such as Link and Ranger, GS Remake (although not really needed, we could obtain all Pokemon now), and Pokemon Titanium.Platinum/Whitegold/Amethyst/whatever they call 3rd Shinou Game.
Which is wrong. Great job providing false info.


Restoring the Kanto
It's not me who provided that info - it's reliable Pokemon site, which Serebii seems to be.l