Now is a good time to ask this. A year from now this question may be answered. This is base on what you THINK not what you want.
In a magazine I once read Satoshi, Creators of the game and the show were interviewed and said that EVERY pokemon they ever created was going to be on the show therefore once knowledge of a new game and new generation then most likely we can say there's another league and a season. To prove this infomation when I get home this weekend I can scanned this magazine and show it.
Now like with Jirachi, and Deoxys there probably are some more new pokemon but in the 4th generation.
I really think this is the last because of all the evolutions of other pokemon in the past. I just think that because being if it is the last season then it was there last chance to make other evolutions.
Ironic I once read a critic’s review of the the 3rd Movie saying pokemon is dying and crying for hours I even use to hate yugioh cause I thought it was "killing" pokemon now I'm on my knees begging for it to end and put my out of my suicidal pokeshippy suffering. I admit it, I'm pathetic. *laughs at self* My apologies to those who don't want to think about it ending.-__-
In a magazine I once read Satoshi, Creators of the game and the show were interviewed and said that EVERY pokemon they ever created was going to be on the show therefore once knowledge of a new game and new generation then most likely we can say there's another league and a season. To prove this infomation when I get home this weekend I can scanned this magazine and show it.
Now like with Jirachi, and Deoxys there probably are some more new pokemon but in the 4th generation.
I really think this is the last because of all the evolutions of other pokemon in the past. I just think that because being if it is the last season then it was there last chance to make other evolutions.
Ironic I once read a critic’s review of the the 3rd Movie saying pokemon is dying and crying for hours I even use to hate yugioh cause I thought it was "killing" pokemon now I'm on my knees begging for it to end and put my out of my suicidal pokeshippy suffering. I admit it, I'm pathetic. *laughs at self* My apologies to those who don't want to think about it ending.-__-