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Is The Game A Story Mode Or A Stadium???????????

Im sooo sorry if someone already asked this, but...is Battle Revolution a story made like XD and Colosseum or is it like Pokemon Stadium, where you just have battles, im reely confused, plz help!


Well-Known Member
It'll have a story mode, no doubt about it. I think all of the Pokemon console games will have some sort of story from from now on...

~Shadow Vulpix~

Active Member
I'm not sure, but I think it might be both.

Legendary Raikou

Well-Known Member
Collo and Xd both to me were like ok not all that special. But Stadium was fun as hell and I want to be able to battle other trainers online.


Burn bright & strong
I'll say that theres a very good chance of having both just like shadow vulpix said.


Well-Known Member
Well the best possible solution is to wait until the Japanese version is released in December. Then we will find out.


PokeTrainer Miki
It will probably have both. however i'm hoping for an adventure where you can find pokemon in grass.