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Is the Light Ball Avalible in Ruby and Sapphire?


Well-Known Member
I know that the Ligth Ball is avalible in Emerald but is it avalible in Ruby and Sapphire?
Wild Pikachu in the Safari Zone, I think at a 5% chance, though


Knight of Oblivion
i was lucky to get a Pikachu with it on the first time!!!

i was only trying to catch a Pikachu to evolve, then breed it with a ditto....


fuk yo couch ***** !
yep r/s/e.
i forgot you could get one on g/s/c aswel by trading one from r/b/y..
can you still get volt tackle pichu on g/s/c then ?
sorry, a bit off topic.. :/


#1 Munchlax Fan
It's attached to wild pikachus in the Safari Zone.