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Is the white DS lite the only one with an 'iPod' effect?


Knuckle Trainer
Does black, navy blue, etc have that 'see-through' iPod effect? I was thinking of getting a black Lite, but if it has not see-through effect, white is mine =]


Old Coot
See through? What's all this about? o_O


Knuckle Trainer
Sorry, I should clarify. I meant see-through as in a transparent plastic on top of the opaque white plastic. Do you understand now, or am I still being too vague =(


Sometimes a bit rude
Yeh, but just a warning: They get dirty pretty bad, I have a white one, and on the trim things on the sides get filled with dirt, while the black one shows fingerprints pretty bad...


Old Coot
Yeh, but just a warning: They get dirty pretty bad, I have a white one, and on the trim things on the sides get filled with dirt, while the black one shows fingerprints pretty bad...
That's why they make slip cases and plastic covers. >_> Not only to prevent scratches but to keep the DS Lite from getting dirty.

Also, the US only has white, black and pink models.


You're Illegal
Yeh, but just a warning: They get dirty pretty bad, I have a white one, and on the trim things on the sides get filled with dirt, while the black one shows fingerprints pretty bad...

My DS Lite trim things on the sides don't get dirt in them, maybe you need to wash your hands


Storm Trainer
Maybe it's a good idea to wear some form of gloves, and maybe equip the DS Lite with a special Custom Skin, one that will help avoid scruff marks and fingerprints EASILY.


Well-Known Member
Maybe it's a good idea to wear some form of gloves, and maybe equip the DS Lite with a special Custom Skin, one that will help avoid scruff marks and fingerprints EASILY.

umm....a DS Lite is a DS Lite,not evidence for some sort of murder.


Old Coot
Personally i think you only need one for of protection..
and that is to protect the touch screen because you wouldn't want that getting damaged everything else can be cleaned..
The Lite is quite easy to scratch up. Hard shell plastic cases work best in protecting the Lite's outter case from being damaged.

Touch screens can be easily protected without the use of a screen protector. It's called "not stabbing the DS when using the stylus." >_>