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Is there a way to clone in FR/LG?

As the title says: Is there a way to clone your pokemon in FR/LG. Other than using gamesharks and stuff.

Reason I'm asking is that I'd rather clone my legendarys then transfer them to D/P when I get it.

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
only in emerald

so you could trade a pokemon from FR/LG to Emerald, clone and trade back if you wanted

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
What is the cloning method?
there is a sticky about it in the R/S/E discussion I believe, all I know is that it involves the battle tower in the battle frontier
As the title says: Is there a way to clone your pokemon in FR/LG. Other than using gamesharks and stuff.

Reason I'm asking is that I'd rather clone my legendarys then transfer them to D/P when I get it.
There is no way to clone in Firered or LeafGreen.


Well-Known Member
No, not in FR/LG anyway. I think there is a way to clone in red/blue though.