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Is There A Way???!!!

BEST items for purity forest?

  • Total voters


Dragon Tamer -#1FAN!
yes, "IS THERE"... a way to pass purity forest? i've seen almost everything but, i need ALL pokemon that ACTUALLY SUCCEEDED through the whole entire purity forest! and, i need hints on items, where to get the pokemon needed to pass this dungeon, and ANY OTHER HINT, OR CHEAT you have, PLZ tell!


Aruseus Tamer
You can't bring items...I completed it with UUMMMMMMMMMMMM Mew.


Well-Known Member
Just in case you didn't know, you can't carry any items in Purity Forest, and you can only take one Pokémon with you. So those items that you have listed, will have to be searched for within the dungeon.
Edit: Once again, somebody beat me by a minute.


sharingan warrior
alakazam it got me dead far and just get all the apples you find but make sure you lv up in the early floors