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Is there any short video clips when u start Diamond&Pearl


**Legendary Maven**
Is there a little video clip when u start Diamond and pearl?You know how there is your character riding the bike in Emerald and Flygon flying on top and Torchic falls down.So is there any videos like that when u start Diamond and Pearl.I dont know about it yet,cuz i am still waiting for Diamond and Pearl to come out in U.S.


PokeTrainer Miki
yes it shows u a panorama of shinou and focuses on mt Tengan i believe
lol Pikamiki ur wrong :p it shows a overview of shinou places then it shows the boy and Hikari walking with starters in the bakground. if u didnt know wut i sed o well cause i tried to explain lol


PokeTrainer Miki
lol Pikamiki ur wrong it shows a overview of shinou places then it shows the boy and Hikari walking with starters in the bakground. if u didnt know wut i sed o well cause i tried to explain lol

sorry if i didn't explain it properly! i just said what i could remember, but i do believe it shows the mountain at one point