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is there any way...

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Shiny Venusaur

Internet Relic
to trade national dex pokes to a game that doesnt have the dex? i started my emerald over and saved cause i was going to do a play through were i took my friends and decided what poke they are most like, but it wont let me trade them over. Btw im tradeing from sapphire------> emerald
Umm dont think there is. It wont let you trade a pokemon that goes in the nat dex to a game that hasnt gotten it yet. I tried that with a couple so I speak from experience.

Shiny Venusaur

Internet Relic
crap well there goes 3 days of breeding for nothing and loosing 6 gold symbols and 1 silver


Completing The Trio
i could have sworn that if you trade from agame that has the nat.dex then the game that your trading to also gets the national dex

Shiny Venusaur

Internet Relic
^ ya but what about sapphire TO emerald do you think it would work on LG?


No, the only pokemon you can trade from saph to emerd are hoenn ones before you get the national dex.


Well trading to Ru/Sa is the other way around from Emerald. You don't even need any badges, and you can trade any of the 386 into Ru/Sa before getting the national dex. Too bad you can't do that with Emerald.


Knight of Oblivion
Well trading to Ru/Sa is the other way around from Emerald. You don't even need any badges, and you can trade any of the 386 into Ru/Sa before getting the national dex. Too bad you can't do that with Emerald.

exactly, i tried to trade a charmander from my FR into Emerald since it restarted and i couldn't because i didn't have the National Dex :(


Well-Known Member
i havent beaten the game on emerald or ruby yet but those 2 i have been tradin back n forth doin ev trainin and the likes.. i cant trade with my FIRERED yet though.. is it same for u guys as well?


Well-Known Member
It might be possible to trade non-Hoenn pokes from Colosseum to Emerald without the National Dex, you definately can't do it with any other games.

If this does work, I know for sure that you can't evolve the Pokémon.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
You can trade from Emerald to R/S right away, provided you're trading only Hoenn-exclusive Pokemon. To trade with FR/LG you'll need the National Dex in Emerald and the same in FR/LG, plus fix the Network Machine.

Since the OP question was answered a few weeks ago...

-Answered, closed
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