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Is this good game? What do you think?

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Hi yall!
I want to buy a Nintendo DS game, but I´m not sure if I should buy Pokemon mystery dungeon blue rescue team, or not, can you give your opinion?
Thank you


Well-Known Member
Buy Ranger. Its shorter but funner and kooler. Trust me its way better then Dungeon


Well-Known Member
Kainha, I think you should try it out for yourself. There are lots of reason why this game can be very bad and very good. People put all kind of viewpoints and you won't be able to decide whether Mystery Dungeon is great or not. This is one game where you have try it out for yourself to see whether its a waste of time or not. Look at this thread:
In the above link, people have rated PMD accroding to thier likings, and as you will see, the ratings differ between each individual.


Not a trainer
The problem about Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is that you either like it or you don't, considering that both opinions can be as easily found in such threads. I think it depends on how particular you are about games. If your definition of a good game is something along the lines of Halo 3, where graphics, gameplay, game engines and the money pumped into its development are all on the high end (not to say that people who like Halo 3 don't like PMD, just using it as a bit of a contrast), it is unlikely that you would enjoy it. If you're a simpler gamer who can overlook some deficiencies to enjoy the storyline, interesting game concept and such, by all means go ahead.

On a slightly less related note, I am not keen on wearing out the DS touchscreen just yet.


I wanted ketchup!!!
You should definetly buy it


Strawberry fields.
I bought it a couple of days ago, and I haven't stopped playing it since. It's a pretty fun game, and you get to play as any Pokémon you'd like. It does get a bit repetitive at times, but it's just so much fun. Definitely not something groundbreaking or extraordinary, it's just a fun dungeon crawler with Pokémon.

zonic the hedgehog

Buy MD!! Or both then, but you must get MD!!

No, buying Ranger would actually be better, since you would save about 30 bucks playing the GBA rom for free.

If you like it, then buy it; I always try out games before I buy.

(there are no decent DS emulators yet, BTW, so a DS rom is out of the question.)


Tails the Bouyzel
Md is better, Forget the dumb ROM. And ranger is good too, its just a little too.... odd...
So get Both...



Well-Known Member
Yeah, but zonic, the rom is illegal, plus you won't get the fun of being rescued or rescuing through password..... Or any other way...


Well-Known Member
I almost hate Ranger, so boring, cant change partners, I could go on forever.
MD is so addicting, a really good game.
Buy MD first.


Scyther FTW <3
Hmm.. I guess it depends on what you want.

MD does Piss you off sometimes, but it gives you hours of fun.

I haven't tried Ranger yet, though, so I can't rate it. But based on everything I've seen it looks fun and a little challenging.


Well-Known Member
Ranger isn't that great..
I just bought it because it was a Pokemon game...
I havent played it in about a week...

zonic the hedgehog

Yeah, but zonic, the rom is illegal, plus you won't get the fun of being rescued or rescuing through password..... Or any other way...

Yeah, but if you have a passkey and another device that puts the roms on a memory device (such as Sandisk or Compact Flash) you can play it on a DS, DSlite, or GBA.

(not bad for 40 bucks if you know where to look... but I digress, I can't go into too much more detail than that...)

Illegal? What'dya expect? I'm a pirate. ARRR!!!

rocklee 85

I Wont Bite!
buy it,i kinda wish i didnt buy it but its fun,it pisses me off some times i started to play it again though
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