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Is this good?/Preview of "Shadow Kanto"


The Pokémon Weaver
The fic's title kicks in a couple chapters later, so don't ask about that.
This fic has been greenlighted, as three chapters have already been produced, as well as a banner.

Shadow Kanto.Chapter 1

In a small house in Pallet Town...

"Martin! Wake up!" his mother said.
"Ugh...school?" Martin groggily replied.
"No, I've been hiding something from you for two years," Mother softly said
"What?" inquisitively asked Martin.
"Well, you're getting your first Pokemon today." Mother smiled as she replied to Martin's curiosity.
"Really? Wow, Mother! When are we going?" Martin was very excited. He could choose from the Water-type Chikodrop, the Electric-type Kativolt, and the Ground-type Terrabbit.
"Oak's lab, 10:15. Get dressed and put your best clothes on." Mother firmly noted.
"Yes, Mother." Martin agreed.
The two drove to Oak's lab at 10:00. Pallet Town had quiet streets. At Oak's lab, Martin mulled over his choice. But Oak changed his matter.
"Double battles are sweeping Kanto. You'll need two Pokemon. Here's another choice, a Castform," Oak said.
Martin chose Chikodrop, which was known to evolve into the powerful Stormikrow, and the Castform, which came built-in with the new Thunderstorm move, turning it into an Electric-type form in addition to the known forms.
As Martin picked up their Poke Balls, Martin felt that something was not right. When he reached home, Poke Balls in hand, Martin collapsed and was replaced by a spiral of pink and violet. Mother knew that Martin still had the Balls, and if he was going somewhere, he would still have them. But of where Martin was going or what was happening to him, Mother would not know...for a whole year.
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