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Is this rumor true?

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insert custom title
Somebody told me that there's something hidden in the Grand Hotel at Celadon. I wanna know if there really is or is it just a myth? If there is something, then wtf is it?


The Voyager
Correction: There WAS something, only in R/B though. A ghost PC, that is. But thgat wast just a glitch.


The real question is, what's under the truck?

Yeah I think it was a rumour. :p

Sonata Arctica

The real question is, what's under the truck?

Nothing. That's another rumour like this one, difference being the one this thread's about used to be real.


Well-Known Member
Apparantly, there's a Lava Cookie under the truck in FR/LG.

Maybe the hotel was meant to be a Pokemon Center?

Sonata Arctica

-Absol- said:
Apparantly, there's a Lava Cookie under the truck in FR/LG.

Maybe the hotel was meant to be a Pokemon Center?

I doubt it. Even if there was a way to move it, there's no point in putting a Lava Cookie under there. It's just people who can't let it go that the truck is just something to look for and nothing else.

If the PC was meant to be there, then they'd've placed the PC sprite before placing the triggers that work it, it makes life easier when making games. It's either a glitch or a random secret.


I doubt it. Even if there was a way to move it, there's no point in putting a Lava Cookie under there. It's just people who can't let it go that the truck is just something to look for and nothing else.
There is a Lava Cookie. I just wouldn't say it's under the truck, but... on it, maybe? Or near it. Use the Itemfinder to find out its location.
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Well-Known Member
Sonata Arctica said:
If the PC was meant to be there, then they'd've placed the PC sprite before placing the triggers that work it, it makes life easier when making games. It's either a glitch or a random secret.

This is starting to prove my theory that the hotel was going to be a Pokemon centre, maybe a big one.


Does someone have a pic of the invicible PC? I'd like to see it. (See the invicible?) Or can you even see it? ---
Even a pic of Celadon's Hotel would be nice, I don't have R/B, only Yellow.


Well-Known Member
Nope, you can't see it, but when you go to the spot where you'd stand if switching on a PC and press A, it'll have the normal words but you can't see it.


You can use the PC? Really? Now, where could I find R/B...


The hoopy frood
Here's a pic, if you follow the link: http://kontek.net/davidwonn/images/poke-4.gif

In in FrLg, there's a lava cookie in the shipyard, but it's not near the truck. Using itemfinder, I think it's more out towards the bottom right hand of the screen.

Sonata Arctica

Thanks for clearing that up Trillian. I didn't know that one was real.

And that hotel does look sorta like a Pokecenter, but why make two in a town?


The Hotel was where they were going to make the Pokémon Center. But I suppose at the last moment they decided to move it and forgot about the PC trigger.

Makes sense at least.


Old Coot
Do notice the layout for the hotel. All they did was use the layout for the Pokémon Center and replicated it to make it into a hotel. They didn't completely clear out all of the coding since you could still use the PC, even though the sprite was missing.
Has anyone tried the [SPOIL]walk through walls code [/SPOIL]to go up the stairs. If so, what is up there?

sorry if the post is against the rules. I just want to know...


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Kay, since this has turned into a thread discussing Red and Blue... :p

-Answered, closed
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