Increasingly of late, I have seen too many posts and threads relating to the fact that their Gold/Silver/Crystal version is no longer letting them save their games, or their current game is corrupted. If you have said "my game won't save!" or "it says my file is corrupted!", then this is the thread with answers.
The answer to this is quite simple, the internal battery has died. The internal battery is the game's "hard drive" of sorts, where it stores all of it's save data. After 4-6 years (or less, depending on how long one uses it), the battery will become worn out due to the extended play taking a toll on it's structure. This is becoming common of late, as it is six years to the month since the release of Pokemon Gold and Silver. The cause of internal battery death can be because of extended play, and then a long break. For example, if you lose your game cartridge for an extended period of time, and then find it, chances are it will be dead, if it is an old game.
My Silver version died earlier this year, almost six years after its purchase. Unfortunately, this means that the game that was currently in memory will be erased, and you cannot save any games further. You may be able to save for a short time, but the save file will soon be corrupted.
There are ways to fix this problem, contrary to the belief that you have to scrap the game. However, getting a new game for about fifteen dollars will be about the same time and effort as getting the game fixed. There has been a way discovered to fix this problem.
Solution 1: You may replace the internal battery, literally. This can be manual or by giving it to RadioShack or Nintendo, if possible. (Note: Images do not work)
Solution 2: However, another, more tedious way has been discovered. It is not completely confirmed, although there have been multiple reports saying it worked. Domefossil of the forums found this way.
However, this method takes four days, and is relatively untested. It also only works well with an SP, so if you have anything lower, try the first method. The source is here.
Solution 3: As well, a method relating to the soldering method has been found. This, essentially, is the soldering method, but modified so that you try to force the new battery into place by pushing it rather than soldering it. It's a bit less efficient, but valid.
Again, each of these methods are somewhat valid. It's your choice what to use. I prefer the soldering method, but should you lack that ability, perhaps Solution 3 is the best way. If not, perhaps you want to go the long way and pick Solution 2.
The answer to this is quite simple, the internal battery has died. The internal battery is the game's "hard drive" of sorts, where it stores all of it's save data. After 4-6 years (or less, depending on how long one uses it), the battery will become worn out due to the extended play taking a toll on it's structure. This is becoming common of late, as it is six years to the month since the release of Pokemon Gold and Silver. The cause of internal battery death can be because of extended play, and then a long break. For example, if you lose your game cartridge for an extended period of time, and then find it, chances are it will be dead, if it is an old game.
My Silver version died earlier this year, almost six years after its purchase. Unfortunately, this means that the game that was currently in memory will be erased, and you cannot save any games further. You may be able to save for a short time, but the save file will soon be corrupted.
There are ways to fix this problem, contrary to the belief that you have to scrap the game. However, getting a new game for about fifteen dollars will be about the same time and effort as getting the game fixed. There has been a way discovered to fix this problem.
Solution 1: You may replace the internal battery, literally. This can be manual or by giving it to RadioShack or Nintendo, if possible. (Note: Images do not work)
For the source, it's here.Gamefaqs said:But there is no way to fix it? Every site I go to says that my game is ruined, all I can do is buy a new one or send it off to Nintendo for repair!......wait a minute....Nintendo can repair it? I'm just as good if not better at fixing stuff than Nintendo, I bet I can fix it! And I did! Now you can too!
Things you need:
-Pokemon G/S
-New battery: CR2025 or DL2025
-really small needle nose pliers
-soldering iron/solder
-electrical tape
Ok here we go, I didn't know how to get images to work so just copy and paste the url's to your address bar.
First you have to take your cartrige apart. It only has one screw but it has a weird head. I used really small needle nose pliers to take it out.
Ok now that we have it apart lets take a look. There's the battery, notice how it has a yellow lining around the edge? Also take note on how the positive side is face down, we don't want to put the new battery in backwards. It's soldered to metal tabs on the top and bottom too. To get it out, I pulled on the tab firmly but gentle not to damage anything. It's a little difficult because you have to break the solder. You have to do this to the top and bottom.
Ok, now the old dead battery is gone! Take a break and plug in your soldering iron.
And here's our new battery.
I wrapped a small strip of electrical tape around the edge of the battery to imitate the yellow band. It prevents the battery from touching other parts in the cartridge.
Now this was my first time soldering anything, but I think it turned out alright, and works! Now remember, postive side face down against the board! Solder the tabs on both sides and voila!
Put the board back in the cartridge. Careful, it's a pretty tight fit if you have no soldering skills like me. Put the screw back in the back of the cartridge, and enjoy! I don't know how long it will last, hopefully a couple years like the original battery. So far mine still works but it's only been a couple of hours.
Solution 2: However, another, more tedious way has been discovered. It is not completely confirmed, although there have been multiple reports saying it worked. Domefossil of the forums found this way.
Domefossil said:Internal battery dead? Well don't reach for the screwdriver and spare, for there is an easier way, my friends, tested by yours truly. Just follow these simple and conscise steps:
1. Turn your GBC/GBA/GBA SP with the G/S/C in it on.
2. Start a new game. Set your prefrences.
3. Save at Elm's or early in the game.
4. If you have a GBA SP, (its much easier with one) turn the light off and put it to charge overnight or for a long time.
5. Your G/S/C cartdridge is barely alive, so the best situation would be to play your heart out and keep leaving it on for hours.
6. When you reach 100 play hours, your internal battery shall be fully recharged, and your game should work as normal.
I have personally done this with my Silver Version, and it worked like a charm.
However, this method takes four days, and is relatively untested. It also only works well with an SP, so if you have anything lower, try the first method. The source is here.
Solution 3: As well, a method relating to the soldering method has been found. This, essentially, is the soldering method, but modified so that you try to force the new battery into place by pushing it rather than soldering it. It's a bit less efficient, but valid.
The source for this one is here.alexanderrobertbarkas said:Ok. People are sometimes worried when their Internal Battery in G/S/C dies. People mentioned a way to replace it, but there is a better way. Here it is:
1. Use tweezers to get the gold screw on the back of the cartridge off.
2. Split the cartridge in half when the screw comes off.
3. Now, see that yellow thing? That's the battery! Use the tweezers to get it out.
4. Go to some place like Radio Shack.
5. Get the same kind of battery.
6. Put it in and lock it securely in.
7. Play the game. When you save, the save will stay. You have now replaced the battery.
Again, each of these methods are somewhat valid. It's your choice what to use. I prefer the soldering method, but should you lack that ability, perhaps Solution 3 is the best way. If not, perhaps you want to go the long way and pick Solution 2.
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