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isnt ash mom the hottest girl in pokemon

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funny how every post in this site always say that "misty is the hottest" "may is the hottest" "hikari has a nice short skirt", when clearly the hottest girl is ashs mom. i know shes a bit airheaded but still. She's what u call a MILF. lol


Well-Known Member
Do you actually know what MILF stands for?

If you do, you know it's very innapropriate on a pokemon-related forum aimed at children.
Do you actually know what MILF stands for?

If you do, you know it's very innapropriate on a pokemon-related forum aimed at children.

There are actually very few children under 11 on this site, and I think anyone older than 11 already knows what that means.

Well, at least we now know who posted all that hentai on the site a couple of months ago *glares at dechoudens* lol


Well-Known Member
There are actually very few children under 11 on this site, and I think anyone older than 11 already knows what that means.

Well, at least we now know who posted all that hentai on the site a couple of months ago *glares at dechoudens* lol

You have a very good point, but that's no excuse. Hentai/Milf/etc. is for adults of ages 18 years or older.

I just didn't think that was very cool, that's all


Well-Known Member
meh she's ok but she's not the hottest


Is there any Mods on Right now? This thread and others just Aren't being Locked.
You have a very good point, but that's no excuse. Hentai/Milf/etc. is for adults of ages 18 years or older.

I just didn't think that was very cool, that's all

Well, I guess thats all true...

And Im happy to know Im not the only one whos not seeing enough of mods at the mo. But remember, they have to wake up first. This is what happened that time when the forums got hacked. They hadnt woken up, but a few hundred of us were left here to glare a hentai, learn to type bakwards and edit the wikipedia article for Huntail. :(

Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
No way, dude. Domino's the hottest.


So Zetta Slow!
is the meaning of MILF "Moro Islamic Liberation Front" that's the only thing I know but as far as my brain could go I think these are terrorists/criminals...correct me if I am wrong...
..and Ash's mom is also great but only viewed a few times because Ash isn't home always...hehehe


Shinx <3
is the meaning of MILF "Moro Islamic Liberation Front" that's the only thing I know but as far as my brain could go I think these are terrorists/criminals...correct me if I am wrong...
..and Ash's mom is also great but only viewed a few times because Ash isn't home always...hehehe

MILF, LOL . What about MNLF? And Abu Sayyaf? Or Al Qaeda?
Ash mom's getting old so, she ain't sexy no more.
i truly apologize for using that term. but ive heard worse words than that one on this site. but i apologize. please cancel this thread whoever is in charge
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its my first time making a thread so i didnt know, im sorry. whoever is in charge please cancel this thread.
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Well-Known Member
^ Don't worry, i've seen worse.

On topic, i'd rather have Courtney, thanks very much. Michelle and Mars too.


Long time no see
Ummmm dont you know that prof oak is doin her while ash is away???? lol
just kiddin, but seriously you need to get a gf........a real one!!!!!!!
any way there are loads of girls that are way better...but i wouldnt know cuz i dnt slide that way!!!!
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