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it says i cant go to elite 4!

lucario the great2

Well-Known Member
so yep it wont let me!!! wat do i do??????? when i talk to the elite 4 trainer on sevvi islands she says "something will happen to my home if i leave"or somepin like that can u guys help me plz?;munchlax;


Rocket Executive
got to the ice caves on 4 island, find your way through and you will see lorelei attacking team rocket. And you should be good from there because she returns to the elite 4 after


Well-Known Member
To find Lorelei you must climb the waterfall with the HM of the same name and she will be there with some Rocket grunts.

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
Um...you cant get to four island unless you already beat them.


Completing The Trio
ok many don't undertsnad your plight so here goes

you have already beaten elite four once and now unfortunately you can't face them a second time,

you've already got HM7{waterfall} and beaten team rocket in the cave because otherwise lorelei wouldn't be back in her house, she says shes afraid because you haven't shut down team rockets operation

go to 6 island and go east then south then keep going until you get to a little cave where the door is sealed use cut and the door will open

go inside and make your way to the bottom of the cave you may need a braille guide or you could go through by randomly picking which hole to drop into, once at the bottom you'll find the sapphire take it, however when you go to take the sapphire a scientist takes it from you

follow him to five island and go east then south until you reach the team rocket hideout, make your way through beating all of them, and regain the sapphire take it to celio on one island and he'll tell you that the new trading machine is working.

you should now be able to face the elite four again now
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Even if u wanted to, I wouldnt. Their teams are super strong. You gotta train like heck before u should even consider challenging them.


Furret rocks
Just outta interest, did you try AR'ing a full Pokedex? I've heard that that can sometimes muck up the Elite Four.

Wild Cherry

Magma Commander
I think he/she means about going back to the E4, you know how you can go back and all there pokemon are like Lv. 60 ^

If you havent beaten it before 4 island then you be screwed says I.

Dragonite 24

Livin' in a bubble!
Seriously, dont try without lv 70^ team. It was still hard for me with high levels, especially beacause they seem to use more healing items.

char char

Professional Shut-In
1.get the ruby on mt. ember and give to cleio
2.find lorreil on 4 island in ice fall cave
3. get saphire in the dotted hole on six isle
4.give to celio
5. go to elite four