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it wont evlolve

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lucario the great2

Well-Known Member
hey man my pichu is lvl 33 and hasent evoled wat the heck??
When it's happiness level is maxed out, check with Daisy to see if it is


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Daisy is your rival's sister, she lives at your rival's house in Pallet Town. If you talk to her she'll tell you how happy the first Pokemon in your party is (and she'll groom it for you, which raises its happiness.) If she tells you your Pokemon "can't possibly love you any more," it's at max happiness. Then just level it up and it'll evolve.

You can make your Pokemon happier by giving it a Soothe Bell and walking around with it, or giving it Rare Candies or Vitamins like Zinc and Calcium. Its happiness will go down if it faints a lot or if you give it bitter items.


Completing The Trio
^totally right there mine evolved at level 17

frontier champion

Well-Known Member
You might as well keep it in it's baby form so you have a Pichu-Pikachu-Raichu evolution line in your storage system. It would be fine to evolve it if Pichu had Volt Tackle.


Loving Longnecks
Probably u make it faint oftenly, try raising it more with care


**Legendary Maven**
shiny bashamo

whats brooms?she doesnt broom ur pokemon shiny bashamo she GROOMS,i think u are new o_0!


The King of Karp
I think most baby pokemon evolve around level 30-35. That's when my Eevee evolved into Umbreon, when I hatched it from an egg.


Well-Known Member
My Pichu, Cleffa and Iglybuff evolved around 32-37, but my Togepi evolved at 27
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