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It's All So Poké (Some Bad Language)

It's All So Poké (Some Bad Language)

NOTE: This diary has elements to Mystery Dungeon to it (in fact, the original story arc you'll see is almost fully based on the first part of MD.), as well as a few things based on other games.

His head hurt. His entire body hurt, actually. Reiji could see a bright light shining down on his face...and something pink holding the light.

"Hapinasu...what's wrong with it?"

"Dootakun, I've never dealt with a legendary before. It just seems to be resting, but it's not responding at all. How did you find it again?"

"Barrierd and I were going through Viridian Forest on the way back from Pallet Town; then it just seemed to appear out of nowhere. I mean, one second we were walking, and then Groudon just appeared in front of us."

Reiji's eyes shot open fully. Pallet Town...Viridian Forest...all these names, he recognised them. But, they were...Pokémon's names. They were talking about places from Fire Red and Leaf Green. He bolted up, hitting the torchlight being shone in his face. It didn't hurt. Reiji looked around, his eyes straining in the mixed lighting. He could hear feet moving away...wait a second...why was he so tall, when he was only sitting up? He went to rub his eyes. That's when he realised something. He had claws. He had red scales. He was...


Reiji jumped off the table he was lying on. The room was barely tall enough to fit him, in this new body. But how, he was a human, not a Pokémon. Yet now he could see the people in the room with him. They weren't people...they were Pokémon too. There was a Hapinasu, a Dootakun and a Barrierd. All of them were bowing to him though. Maybe it was because he was...Groudon? But how?

"Where...where am I?"

"Mighty Groudon, you're in the Viridian City Pokémon Centre. Myself and Barrierd brought you here, we carried you using our Psychic powers. You were lying injured in Viridian Forest, so we thought it best that you were brought to rest here. Forgive us if we did wrong."

"But...I'm a human."

The small group around him all looked stunned, and then a little whimper came from Barrierd. Hapinasu was first to break the uncomfortable silence.

"Oh no, not another one..."

"What? Another one, you mean there are more humans like me?"

"Well...we think so. Recently there have been some awful things happening, ever since the Team Rocket agents built those Reactors."

"Wait, wait. Don't you all have trainers? Where are they, why don't they stop Team Rocket..."

"Trainers? No, there aren't any actual humans here...humans are just folklore. If any existed, ever, then they certainly did so a long time ago. Besides, why would humans stop Team Rocket building the Reactors?"

"Because humans generally stop other humans from doing things which are wrong!"

"I think you misunderstood me. Team Rocket aren't humans...they're Pokémon too. The only things living on Kanto are Pokémon. Well, there are the berries too, but tha--"

Hapinasu was interrupted by the huge crash on the floor. Groudon had fainted, probably from the shock of what he had just heard. Hapinasu looked at the legendary Pokémon, then at Dootakun and Barrierd. She sighed, and walked over to the window. The huge HM Reactor #5 obstructed her view. Before it appeared she could see all the young Pokémon playing in the Viridian Park. Now the huge plumes of smoke coming from the Reactor had caused pollution beyond belief. Viridian Forest had lost 85% of all the trees it used to contain, all in the space of six months. She turned back to her friends.

"We need to visit him."

"Are you sure that's a--"

"Yes. He's the only one capable of working this out. We need to see Sleeper."

Barrierd let out another whimper. Dootakun simply shook his body, knowing this was an extreme measure. Regardless, he cast Confusion on Groudon's body. It rose up from the floor, and Barrierd cast Confusion also. The two struggled to carry the weight of the Groudon in their minds, but started to travel regardless. Hapinasu walked over to the nearby incubator, and stroked the egg inside. Her child, Pinpuku, was inside. She wondered whether she should bring the egg with her. After all, Sleeper hadn't seen it yet. Mother and Father, reconciled...maybe.


Well-Known Member
This is excellent. I wonder what the backstory on lack of humans is, and what these reactors do?
"Damnit, I do not need to be dealing with an eleven foot monstrosity right now!"

"Sleeper, it is Groudon we're talking about. I mean, he is one of the most destructive Pokémon ever."

Reiji's eyes opened again. This time he was met by the sight of a Yamikarasu flying above him. Instead of fainting again, Reiji sat up; forgetting once again about his increased size, and head butting Yamikarasu in doing so. The black bird spun towards Hapinasu, stopping and letting out a caw of pain. Reiji spotted Barrierd and Dootakun again, yet now there was another Pokémon in between them. Reiji quickly recognised it as a Dodorio. It seemed to be conversing with the two Pokémon; Hapinasu and Yamikarasu were now doing the same (although from the tone of Yamikarasu's voice, it wasn't exactly anything good about Reiji).

"So, you're a human."

Reiji turned his head to see a Sleeper standing by his side. Sleeper was standing in front of a mass of computer equipment, all of which seemed to be monitoring a huge power plant. Reiji nodded in agreement of Sleeper's question.

"Well, this is just perfect. Not only do I have Team Rocket on my *** 24/7, I now have to deal with a human who happened to transform in to a legendary Pokémon."

"Look, I'm sorry if you think I like this, but I've just been transported from my world in to a game! Where I am from, you are all characters in a game called Pokémon. You live in Pokéballs, and are owned by Trainers who battle you against one another. Team Rocket is a bunch of trainers who raise Pokémon to be evil. Hell, there's even a TV Program all about it. So would someone please explain why this has happened and who you all are?"

The outburst from Reiji had silenced the room. A smile developed over Sleeper's face; he walked over to the monitors behind him and tapped one of them.

"This is why you are here. This is HM Reactor #5, located on the outskirts of Viridian City. It's owned by the Team Rocket conglomerate. Team Rocket is run by six Pokémon, all of whom are intent on running everything in this world. They are Eifi, Ordairu, Metagoros, Todozeruga, Metamon and...Myuutsu. They got together and started building these ****ing reactors everywhere. I am Sleeper, and I am a vigilante. I fight against Team Rocket and their minions, fighting for the ordinary Pokémon. My partners are Dodorio and Yamikarasu. We've been fighting for two years against Team Rocket, but ever since they built Reactor #5, some really weird things have been happening. Humans have started to appear as Pokémon, all over the place. Each and every one of them, Team Rocket has kidnapped and trained to be one of their own. We know of four, but we believe there are many more. Something's wrong with these Pokémon though...which I think is about to happen to you. Hapi, what time is it?"

"It's 6:58 PM."

"Oh good. Two minutes to get ready for the show. Shall we go outside, Groudon?"

Reiji had no choice; before he knew what was happening, Barrierd, Dootakun and Sleeper had all cast Confusion on him. He couldn't say anything, and he was being forced outside by the three Pokémon. He guessed that Hapinasu, Dodorio and Yamikarasu were following. Once outside, he could see the outline of the moon; yet it was covered by smog and was hardly shining. Sleeper began to count down from thirty. Reiji struggled to try and break the move.


Then he did it. Reiji snapped out of the spell, much to the shock of the three Pokémon casting the move. Suddenly, a burning fire started to rise from Reiji's chest. He opened his mouth and tried to breathe out to remove it; instead he realised exactly what he had just done. He had just used...Fire Blast? Whatever, the huge ball of fire was now hurtling towards the three Psychic Pokémon beneath him. Then there was another feeling. This time it hurt much more than previously - he felt like he was being crushed from the outside and inside. A blinding flash of white light...and then nothing. Everything was back to normal, with the pain and light gone. Except now, he was on level with Sleeper and the others. The Fire Blast had disappeared altogether. He also had a completely new body.

"Deokishisu! How?"

Hapinasu stared at Sleeper, hoping for an answer to her question. Sleeper gave one after a moment's pause.

"Every day at 7:00 PM, each former human Pokémon changes to a different one. Something is confusing me though. Normally the transformations are to every type of Pokémon except Legendary ones; yet now, you are the Attack Form Deokishisu. This interests me greatly; and I believe I may know someone who has the answer to my questions. Unfortunately, we can not leave Viridian City except to Pallet Town what with the Team Rocket checkpoints. Should we destroy them however, we can get to HM Reactor #5. That is where he is being held."

"Are you saying what I think you are?"

"Yes, Dodorio. In three hours, we leave here and we may very well not be coming back. All of you must come with us; especially you, Deokishisu. We are too far in already, I fear. Eifi or Myuutsu will have sensed a human transformation, and as such will send people here. We have little time to prepare. Hapi, go get the egg and any other medical supplies. I know this journey is no place for our child, and I admit that I am no proper father, but it is better than what Team Rocket may do to you. Barrierd, Dootakun, I suggest you go and collect your things. Yami and Dorio, collect the information from the base. I will help train our friend here for the journey ahead."

The Pokémon dispersed, leaving Sleeper and Reiji alone. Sleeper walked over to Reiji and whispered into his ear:

"I don't know why you're here, but as long as you are...don't mess with me."
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"You need to train".

Reiji looked at Sleeper, who was staring directly at him. Reiji used one of his arms to point at his body. Admittedly, he was slowly getting used to being a Pokémon, yet whether that would change when he transformed again remained to be seen.

"That Fire Blast attack was easy to counter. All I did was use Confusion and it quickly disappeared. Therefore, you need training if you want to stand any chance of surviving this assault."

"But...I thought it disappeared when I transformed into Deokishisu?"

"Well it didn't. No one mentioned it because we were too caught up when you transformed. Now you know though, so get used to it. Anyway, start using attacks against me and we'll see how you do."

"Wait, if you just keep using Psychic moves to counter me I'll never land a hit!"

"Oh, I'm sorry; I forgot that both Eifi and Myuutsu are Psychic Pokémon. I'll just pretend that they've forgotten how to use those moves then, okay."

Sleeper simply shook his head in disgust and walked a few steps away from Reiji. He turned around, producing a pendulum from his collar, then motioning for Reiji to "bring it on", effectively. For some reason, Reiji felt like he knew moves, once again. Why he did so, he didn't really know; but he knew it was best to attack and please Sleeper - he would probably never escape this place if he didn't. With that, Reiji thrust his arms forward, creating a purple/black ball of energy, before throwing it at Sleeper. The blue glow coming from Sleeper's pendulum surrounded the energy ball also; within seconds it was gone.

"Night Shade...now come on; you seriously expect that to challenge any member of Team Rocket?"

"This is my first go here, give me a chance!"

"Here's your chance!"

Sleeper's pendulum shot forward, sending circular beams of energy at Reiji. Reiji quickly tried to think of how to dodge it - then he realised he was now, for some reason, behind Sleeper. And Sleeper didn't know - now was his chance! Reiji once again let off a Night Shade at the unsuspecting Sleeper. The jolting pain through his body told Reiji that maybe Sleeper did know after all. The blue glow had collapsed the Night Shade again; now it was also surrounding Reiji.

"Using Teleport to dodge the Psywave was clever. Using Night Shade again after such a long pause to think wasn't. It normally gives Psychic Pokémon a chance to anticipate. What with our ability to Mind Read and all that."

Reiji felt the glow disappear, and he fell to the floor gently. Sleeper turned around to face him, took a few more steps back and motioned to begin again. Reiji once again went for a Night Shade, which Sleeper countered almost without moving. This time Reiji had another idea though; throwing two of his long arms at Sleeper, wrapping Sleeper's arms tightly. Then Reiji let off another Night Shade; but again, Sleeper countered - this time by using his eyes? No matter what Reiji was trying he couldn't land a move. It was then he realised something. Instead of mental, what about Physical moves! That was it!

Reiji dove his other two arms into the ground, using all his strength to pull huge bits of earth and rock up above him. Launching them at Sleeper, the blue glow in his eyes appeared again, then surrounding the projectiles. As Reiji sent two more chunks at Sleeper, the two levitating ones went flying at the new pieces, destroying them. This cycle continued for a few more throws, before Reiji began to pick up the pace. Soon Sleeper was visibly struggling to keep count of all the weapons coming at him - Reiji realised he was now winning. Finally, Sleeper shouted the one word Reiji had been hoping for:

"Stop! Please, stop!"

Reiji relented, releasing his grip on Sleeper and leaving his arms at his sides. Too late did he realise that one projectile was now heading straight at him. Sent flying back around 10 to 15 feet, Reiji let out a moan of pain. Once again he heard Sleeper's voice:

"Eifi and Myuutsu won't give up; and by god will they trick you. Now get up and stop complaining. The others will be back soon".

In fact, soon turned out to be an hour later. Dodorio and Yamikarasu were first; their combined four beaks holding a large number of computer disks and equipment with them. Dootakun and Barrierd brought levitating backpacks with them; full to the brim with berries, food and maps. Finally, Hapinasu arrived with her egg and a bag of medical supplies. An argument between Sleeper and Hapinasu ensued about the fact she was late; Reiji figured this was the reason they weren't that close earlier, considering they did have a child. Hapinasu stormed off towards Dodorio, and started to complain about Sleeper. Simply from the words they used in the conversation, Reiji figured that Dodorio was a female Pokémon also. Approaching Yamikarasu, Reiji decided it was best to find out the past between the two.

"What's up with Hapinasu and Sleeper?"

"Oh, it's a long story. Basically, Hapi used to be in the team with us. She and Sleeper were married once; then she gave birth to their egg. She wanted to stay in Viridian and run the Pokémon Centre, so Sleeper agreed. Anyway, he got restless and they had a huge row about the team and how he wanted to go on fighting Team Rocket. They split up about three months ago; hell, they only talked through Dodorio until two weeks ago!"

"I take it Dodorio sided with Hapinasu, what with the female thing and all."

"...Dodorio's not female, he's gay."

"Wh-wha...there are gay Pokémon?"

"...I'm gay too, you know."

"Oh, how, um, lovely for you. Are you and Dodorio a...um...a..."

"Couple? Yes. We have been for the past year, as well. Sleeper and Hapi happen to be very good about these sorts of things, obviously unlike some people."

Yamikarasu flew off in disgust, going over to talk with Dootakun and Barrierd. Reiji felt a ping of guilt, which was not calmed until Sleeper called for quiet.

"Okay people, now that we're finally all here, it's time to head off to the security checkpoint near the Reactor. I've scoped the area before; defence at this hour appears to be a group of Rotomu and Charem, at least at the entrance. No idea what's further up, but I'll discuss tactics further along. Right now we need to head off, because I have a feeling that Team Rocket is getting close."

With that, Sleeper head off. Dodorio and Hapinasu walked together, while Yamikarasu and Dootakun followed. Barrierd smiled tentatively at Reiji, before beginning to catch up with the pack. Reiji looked up towards the Reactor's outline. In 20 or so hours, we would change again. He just hoped they had enough time...and they could find this Pokémon.

Wait...who were they trying to find, anyway?

NOTE: I'm aware the battle techniques may be a little off; but I'm a little rusty writing fights so...