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IV battle


99% chance to hit
Yeah. Can we use ubers? Every single one of my Pokémon are clean, pure, and non-hacked.


Retired Master
xD He isn't actually asking for a battle, so I think that would be alright.


STS Trainer
Lol, I need to do a lvl 100 battle so I could get the stats of my newly hatched pokemon


STS Trainer
But this is not a real battle lol..it's an IV battle..you check the stats of your pokemon to calculate their IVs


99% chance to hit
Changed my mind I dont wanna IV battle sorry hope u forgive me I was just looking for real battles


99% chance to hit
Never mind I don't wanna do this anymore. Sorry.
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99% chance to hit
Sorry it was a misunderstanding. Let's try it again. This time for real.