<-If only it was red
I think I found a mistake on the IV calc.
I typed in my Registeel's stats, and, it said that sp.atk, and sp.def, were both 0, with a 0% chance of being right. Then, when I took it to the rateing guy in the BF, he said that the special attack was flawless!
I'm confused.
Also, it said that the atttack and defence were both 31 as well.
Why did it say about the IV of 0, unless they go up to 32?
I typed in my Registeel's stats, and, it said that sp.atk, and sp.def, were both 0, with a 0% chance of being right. Then, when I took it to the rateing guy in the BF, he said that the special attack was flawless!
I'm confused.
Also, it said that the atttack and defence were both 31 as well.
Why did it say about the IV of 0, unless they go up to 32?