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IV/Nature Question.


Team Purgatory
Alrighty, I just saved in front of Mewtwo on my FireRed, and I have a question. While I don't plan on using him in link battles, I do think it would be nice to know I had a stron-as-hell Mewtwo sitting in my box, incase I ever needed it. Now, I'm not sure what to do.. If I come across a Mewtwo with max IV's, but it's not of the Modest nature, should I keep it, or keep resetting and hope to find a Modest one with max IV's?

Magical Needle Smash

Well-Known Member
It depends on just how patient you are, I guess. After going through a string of Mewtwos with particularly terrible IVs, I ended up settling on one that had a neutral nature because its Specials and HP IVs were nice. If you can stand resetting, though, keep going.