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Jake's Sprites! =D


Pokemon Shaman

Tangela Prevo. Scratch. Just looks like a bad repose. I don't like it. =(


Chaotic Dreamer
Hello =D Don't think I remember anything but your name... But hello =P

The first and second trainers are great, except for the dull shading in a few areas... Infact, that seems to be the biggest problem on most of these. You seem to be reluctant to use the darkest shade... Outlines are a bit strange on a few as well (Left side of the Absol's hair)

For the pre-evo guy, what if you did what is suposed to be beneath the vines? Makes more sense really, and only requires a bit of creativity ;)

Its great to see someone doing something other than just Pokemon mixes though :) Keep it up...


Pokemon Shaman
xD Hard to read that, I use the Dark Pokemon skin. xP

I don't like the darker shades, and I find it hard to use them effectively.

And that's a good idea about the tangela prevo, I'll sketch it out tomorrow. ^^;

I already have an electic/bug grasshopper, a fire/bug ant, and a few others I need to sprite. xD


baby tooth!

Holy crap, that's like awesome! Very sexy looking guy! Donate him to pt now!


Oh noes, toast =O
Your trainers all look very nice, I especially love the wrestler, not only because it looks good, but because it's edited from a pokemon and not a trainer, that's something I don't see often =D

As far as edits go, these are brilliant, I have to look at them to realise that some of them aren;t scratch, at first glance, they all did appear as scratches to me, well done.


Pokemon Shaman
i like the girl with the absol touch tres bien(thats french for very well)

Why thank you. ^^; I knew that, too. xD

As far as edits go, these are brilliant, I have to look at them to realise that some of them aren;t scratch, at first glance, they all did appear as scratches to me, well done.

xD Yeah. The one I did of myself looks best IMO. My first, too. ^^; Also, the wrester was kinda weird. xP

Here's a subomi scratch. (before release)



Chaotic Dreamer
Wow... I really don't want to know how you came about doing the wrester... XD It looks great though, one of your best for sure. Don't see anything wrong with it besides the feet being a little bit floppy looking; the lack of dark shading works well there.

The Subomi scratch is good too, though you may want to use a bit of black outlines.


Pokemon Shaman
Wow... I really don't want to know how you came about doing the wrester... XD It looks great though, one of your best for sure. Don't see anything wrong with it besides the feet being a little bit floppy looking; the lack of dark shading works well there.

The Subomi scratch is good too, though you may want to use a bit of black outlines.

Look at machamp's feet. xP That's what I had to work with. xD

The subomi scratch is rediculously ugly. It's also BIGGER than R/S/E Roselia.


Pokemon Shaman
Here's Goldabra, one of my favorite mixes, the first time I did it.

Here's just now, D/P style.


<!Seizure Enducing!>
9.5/10 the only way it could be better is if it were perfect. I still dont know what perfect is though.... 10/10 :D


Pokemon Shaman
9.5/10 the only way it could be better is if it were perfect. I still dont know what perfect is though.... 10/10

I remember you! You wanted to make that fakedex thing and I was trying to help you. ^^; Remember me? xP


Pokemon Shaman
Here's my latest little freakshow. xD


I have no idea where the inspiration came from, once again.
Last edited:


Pokemon Shaman
AAAAAAAH! It's attack of the Deoxys boys!!!!!!xD
It's very good. It looks like it came straight out of a sci-fi movie!

xD They will sell you cookies of INTERGALACTIC DOOM! xD

May do the girl, too.


Chaotic Dreamer
Those are so weird o_o Prety good, besides the lack of dark colours *Broken Record* Thoughthe colouring on the girl bother me for some reason, can't quite place it...