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Jakley's Sprite Thread


Eevee Coordinator
So far, None of these maps are connected (Except the Cave) but, I do have the idea to do connect them all and make a fan game, along with the map in my old thread (The trainers are actually Gym Leaders/Elite Fours) I got lazy on the Map with the Waterfall and didn't put ocean where the black part is. Comments and Criticism are welcomed, Please Do Not Use Without Permission, Or a Monkey will attack you and eat your brains






Other Sprites
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King of Randomness
you're pretty good at spriting man. i especially liked you're oddish/bulbasaur evo line. keep up the good work!


She Who Pwns
I really like your maps especially the second one. If you added the ocean where the black is on the waterfall map it would look alot better. All your maps are amazing Jakley! Something looks out of place with your trainers though. I only really like the twins. Keep up the good work! Cant wait to see more!

EDIT: Wow new sprites! I love the snubble/slowpoke! Its so cute! And i like the Oddish/Bulbasaur evo line!
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guess whos back?
Some of the sprites are saved as JPG, always save under PNG.
The mixes are very cut and pastish, try using more custom parts. Some examples are the badly placed shell on granbulls head nd the badly placed flower on venasaur. Also, i would suggest you add more to them, since all of them are a recolor with 1 body part stuck on.
on the maps, do not use black for the sky, either add mountain, trees, or ocean instead. Also, if your not already doing this, tile your maps, as it makes them look better.
I have no crit on the trainers, as I dont do trainers often, and im to tired to give a good look into them right now.


Eevee Coordinator
The JPG was a mistake, I usually save as PNG, As for the Black, I'm going to add the sea some time tonight, The Fusions were some of the first things I've ever done, so that's why they don't have any Custom or are in the right places as I was just learning

Added Water instead of Black and Saved as PNG
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Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
I like the maps, the 1st one is of Cerulean when you surf down to the Power plant?

With the trainers, not all of the legs and arms seem right, nor do the hairdo's.