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Jame's mime jr or chimecho


Well-Known Member
what pokemon did you like better, james chimecho or his mime jr?I like mime jr better, i like how it always mocks everybody


Team Rocket's rockin
Mime Jr.'s miming is much more interesting and cute to watch than Chimecho's... chiming. -_- That rhymed. But anyway, yeah. Chimecho did practically nothing (although Mime Jr. isn't that active either).
I like both. Chimecho was cute and funny. And I have only seen Manene in some Japanese eps. But I have always liked Manene.

Chimecho didn't do ****.


Thank you, SPPf! :)
Well, truth be told, it's not like Mime Jr. does a whole lot of battling either. Chimecho was pretty cute nevertheless, and while Mime Jr. is certainly more charming than Bonsly, there's still the remaining fact that...I. HATE. MIMES.


Chiirin was a good Pokemon, But it didn't do much except rarely heal Kojirou and friends, And pop out of it's Pokeball and go "Chiii~me!".

Manene is alot cuter and does more.
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aka Arbok
Well, i have to admit, i never saw Mime Jr. in show, since those episodes still aren't airing in Holland... And i never saw a Japanese / English Episode or something.


Powerplay Champion
Mime Jr. does a better job at comic relief, Chimecho was pretty pointless.
I thought Chimecho was cute and was sad when it lefet but Mime Jr. Is wicked cute and a great battler. Its funny when it mimics James.


Well-Known Member
Mime Jr. all the way. Gotta love the little guy. You should put this in the anime polls section.