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James, villian or victim?


ooo, what's cooking?
this has probably been ased before, but, what do u think, i personally believe James of team rocket deserves to be a good guy. What r ur opinions.
James is a softy. He acts bad because that's what his team mates expect of him. He shows his true self in episodes that are emotional for him, like when he had to leave Chimecho. He's really a good guy, but puts on the whole bad guy act to get respect from Jessie, Meowth and of course, Giovanni.


To be quite honest, individually the members of Team Rocket can be geniuinely good people. It's only when they're together that they're terrible influences on one another.


ooo, what's cooking?
wow, i guess ur right, but still, sometimes I kinda wih james joined up with ash, or became a char that appeared only sometimes, team rocket is gettng old.
"Were blasting off again, again and again and again and again...and so on"


Well-Known Member
I think james is actually good. it just seems meowth & jessie make him evil.

-Chimungus ;457;


ooo, what's cooking?
jessie is crazy evil ,and a bit insane, and meowth is concieted. I hope they leave ash alone though, why don they die already, i hjust want james to stop being a jerk and be a good guy.

Sushi Bunny

ハチミツをたべてる フっフっフっ
James is to fruity to be evil. He tries to be evil but it just dosen't work.


Nawp. He's one big soft apple. But being a good guy would ruin his character, so being hal-bad and also good occaisionally is fine with me. :)

Horn Drill

James can be kindhearted, but he still has a bad side to him. Jessie is just self-centered, but she can be compassionate as well. Meowth can also be kind and responsible, and never really does anything wrong when Jessie and James aren't around. We've seen many occasions where each of them behaves nicely. They're probably the most well-developed characters in the show because they have long backstories and have multi-faceted personalities, unlike Team Twerp. :p


New Member
Villian? About the only time those three ever appeared as beleivable villians was in their first airing. Which was....what...2nd, 3rd episode?


Well-Known Member
I wonder in a future episode if James gets asked a question on does he care about his Pokemon. Unlike Jessie, James has a close connection to his Cacnea, Mime Jr., and Masukippa. I wonder if he has taken into thought about leaving team rocket and chase after a calm and peaceful dream like a traveling Pokemon Poet.


ooo, what's cooking?
there is such thing as anime polls, i though thi 1 covered all polls, o well, any way, i like all ur opinions, keep um comin! :D


Well-Known Member
Yeah, James is actually a nice guy as seen in sweet baby james. He's really nothing like psycho jessie and meowth. He cares for his pokemon which is a great way to show that he's good. He was only evil in like the first few episodes of the anime.


blows stuff uhup
My one beef with Sweet Baby James, which was otherwise an excellent episode, was that it's created an impression that James is a victimised little woobie who secretly wants to be good but is held back by his selfish tyrannical teammates. Really, Jessie and Meowth have good sides just as much as James, although James is more of a softie than them. And James is definitely in Team Rocket because he wants to be. Jessie and Meowth aren't forcing him into anything. Remember the ending of Holy Matrimony?

Bling King

Doesn't post often
James is a villain who is the victim of women not accepting that he is gay.


Unknown Trainer
My one beef with Sweet Baby James, which was otherwise an excellent episode, was that it's created an impression that James is a victimised little woobie who secretly wants to be good but is held back by his selfish tyrannical teammates. Really, Jessie and Meowth have good sides just as much as James, although James is more of a softie than them. And James is definitely in Team Rocket because he wants to be. Jessie and Meowth aren't forcing him into anything. Remember the ending of Holy Matrimony?

2 things to add to that, in the same episode, "Sweet Baby James" James attacked Jessie and Meowth to prevent them to steal their Pokemon their parents were nursing back to health. Also, James said he'd rather die instead of marrying to Jessie.
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2 things to add to that, in the same episode, "Sweet Baby James" James attacked Jessie and Meowth to prevent them to steal their Pokemon their parents were nursing back to health. Also, James said he'd rather die instead of marrying to James.

I don't blame James, I wouldn't want to marry myself either.