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January's Plot Discussion

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In lucid awakening
Right, got the Grade 3 and 4 magazines and I must say things ain't too exciting following the triple surprise in all three sagas last month.

For the BF part, as I feared, there has been no explanation as to why Brandon has the Regis, though Todd made a small remark about it. Not much of Emerald's adventure inside the Pyramid is shown, except showcasing the various uses of three pokemon: Phanphy as expected, to be a pickupper, Alakazam, mainly used as a teleporter (did teleport work in the pyramid in the real games?), and Shedinja, said to be there as an energy-saving member because it only has 1 HP and does not require much restores or stuff (but doesn't that make it easy to die too? hm....). One scene involves Emerald being freaked out by a wild Misdreavus, which is quite funny.

So, the Brains are gathering because Noland was knocked out, and we discover that the Armoured Man has actually stolen all the rental pokemons from the Battle Factory. All the Brains, especially Tucker and Greta (who've never liked Emerald) believe that Emerald is the culprit because he is the only trainer at the Battle Frontier right now who possesses pokemons, but Anabel (who acts like a leader here) announces Scott's decision, which is not to suspend Emerald's current challenge so as not to stir up the media's unnecessary attention.

Todd was brought to where the Brains are gathering by Spenser, and when he was later kicked out by Tucker, his nose bleeds, and there is a comic scene where Lucy teases him by blowing air into his ear. And no, before you ask, Todd's nose is bleeding because of Lucy.

Finally, Emerald completes the 10 sets of challenge and is up against Brandon. It seems that the boy has changed his team for this last set, and the first member he has is the Sceptile he stole, but Brandon's Regirock used explosion, and well, things aren't looking well for Sceptile so far. Since all the Factory pokemons were stolen, this stolen Sceptile might even add more the Brains suspicion of Emerald being the culprit who attacked Noland. Oh boy.

For FRLG, its chronological relevance is finally confirmed, and it is indeed 2 years after the GSC which many Japanese sites believe. There's a pic where Silver looks up on Yellow's profile, and like Crys and Gold once did before, is shocked that Yellow is older. (A clear pic of Silver since the scan on Netkun seems a bit off) As said on Netkun, Yellow reads Sneasel's mind and sees the image of Giovanni's statue.

Meanwhile, Oak has actually hidden the three new Pokedexes in his labcoat all along, and the black pokedexes which the Beast Warrior Trio hold aren't actually modified from the ones stolen from Oak, but just new ones made based on them. So, the original ones Red, Green, and Blue have are still there, and Oak rushed back into that research room to transfer the old data back to his news ones while Blue fends off the Deoxys-Divides. (Jiggly inflates itself to block the corridor again like in the Escape! chapter, and Ditty turns into an umbrella again to fend off the DNA shaped laser beams from Deoxys-Divides).

Finally, how Giovanni needs Deoxys's power is finally revealed. Apparently, Deoxys possesses a skill known as psychic vision, which enables it to search for the owner of something wherever he is. Giovanni gives Deoxys Silver's hankerchief, and Deoxys, upon touching it, gets a vision like one of those space-satellites, eventually locating Silver at Viridian, and that's where Giovanni and the Beast Warrior Trio shall go. (Notice the name Silver sewn on the hankerchief, I hope the writers haven't forgotten that it was Blue who gave Silver his name because of his eye colour. Well, unless Giovanni has given him the same name due to the same reason too...)

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I'm Back? YAY!
^Nice info...what happened to the Ruby and Sapphire Arc coverage?I want to see Ruby and Courtney work together!


In lucid awakening
I don't usually buy the Grade 5 magazine for the RSE series because it's currently released on volumes. I usually wait til the volumes come out.



Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
I said in that thread I created a while back whether or not we would learn Silvers real name. It will be a bit unrealistic if Giovanni happened to give his son the same name that Blue did.

The BF saga is getting good though, I hope Emerald battles with Shednija.

Lord wackruntlje

Speed up, n00b!
Coronis said:
Finally, how Giovanni needs Deoxys's power is finally revealed. Apparently, Deoxys possesses a skill known as psychic vision, which enables it to search for the owner of something wherever he is.

Makes me wonder why he didnt asked Morty for it. And what did Todd say exactly about the Regi's?


Coral Eye Trainer
Lord wackruntlje said:
Makes me wonder why he didnt asked Morty for it. And what did Todd say exactly about the Regi's?

Well, Morty should know he's the head of TR, and wouldn't be likely to agree helping him.

I hope Emerald uses the Phanpy. Or the Shedinja.

Lord wackruntlje

Speed up, n00b!
CWisgood said:
Well, Morty should know he's the head of TR, and wouldn't be likely to agree helping him.
He wanted to find his long lost son! That is not evil, so Morty COULD have helped him.

And Emerald using Shedinja is a good idea. None of the Regi's cant hurt it unless they use Sandstorm or Ancient power, right?
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Storm Trainer
Woah, the psychic vision sequence is crazy cool.

What was the small remark Todd made about the Regis?



In lucid awakening
Todd's remark really isn't remarkable at all, he just wondered how come Brandon's lineup would be the 3 unreasonable Hoenn legendaries, and whether or not Emerald will be able to defeat them.

But I do agree that if Emerald does keep Shedinja on his team, he is sure gonna win this, since the writers follow the attacks these pokemons have in the actual games when you fight the brains (Lucy's Seviper had the exact attacks as it did in the games). In Emerald, Brandon's Regis have these attacks:

Regirock: Explosion, Earthquake, Super Power, Ancient Power
Regice: Anmesia, Ice Beam, Thunder, Rest
Registeel: Iron Defence, Toxic, Earthquake, Metal Claw

As Brandon is silly enough to have his Regirock explode on itself so early in the match, Regice and Registeel have absolutely no attacks at all that could harm Shedinja. So, Emerald should have little problem taking them out.


Lord wackruntlje

Speed up, n00b!
Coronis said:
Regirock: Explosion, Earthquake, Super Power, Ancient Power
Regice: Anmesia, Ice Beam, Thunder, Rest
Registeel: Iron Defence, Toxic, Earthquake, Metal Claw

As Brandon is silly enough to have his Regirock explode on itself so early in the match, Regice and Registeel have absolutely no attacks at all that could harm Shedinja. So, Emerald should have little problem taking them out.

If they have these attacks, then Registeel could Toxic it.


So hot he's on fire.
Fierce Deity said:

....blood will soak the streets of SPPf tonight.

*wishes Coronis would put up more pictures of Todd* D: *weep*

Of all the female brains, why Lucy?! X____x *whines and complains for like ever*

And....holycrap, Regis.


Well-Known Member
Lupin said:
The BF saga is getting good though, I hope Emerald battles with Shednija.

Shedinja is interesting, true, but it doesn't really have any potential to come off well in a graphical sense (i.e. since it doesn't really move).


what about rse?!!?? i want to know what happens between ruby and sapphire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So hot he's on fire.
coronis esplaind y the rse sumries werent up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 omg ideae!!!11


I couldn't care less about Ruby and Sapphire, poor Brawly hasn't been heard from yet and STILL no one cares D:


Phantom_Bugsy said:
coronis esplaind y the rse sumries werent up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 omg ideae!!!11


I couldn't care less about Ruby and Sapphire, poor Brawly hasn't been heard from yet and STILL no one cares D:
oh okay im still such a n00b.


Storm Trainer
Phantom_Bugsy said:
....blood will soak the streets of SPPf tonight.

*wishes Coronis would put up more pictures of Todd* D: *weep*

Of all the female brains, why Lucy?! X____x *whines and complains for like ever*

And....holycrap, Regis.
In case you couldn't tell, I was kidding.


All I'm wondering is where in the world did Giovanni find Silver's handercheif and knew that it belonged to him?
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