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Japan to Pokemon-Mapping the Lands

Reign G

Roggen and Rolan
Now, we all know the lands in Pokemon are based off parts of Japan, right? Well, recently, along with my good old friend Google Images, I have been working on comparing the Pokemon Regions with Japan. After much study, I came up with this:



I will be going over my reasoning of these areas one by one. Now...

Kanto - This was pretty simple. Besides it's shape, Kanto in Pokemon is based on real-life Kanto. Along with the area to the left, which is in the same shape as Johto, it had to be connected.

Johto - This was as simple as Kanto. It had an obvious shape, and it had to be to the west of Kanto, as depicted in GSC.

Hoenn - This one was actually kind of hard. I at first thought it would be where I chose it, but then I decided to go with where Orre is. So, after rantings of readers, I finally decided, and put it where it originally was.

Orre - Orginally, I placed it where I put Hoenn. Then, with the rantings of the people, I realised Hoenn had to be there. So, a little switching, and Orre and Hoenn change.

Sinnoh - As explained for Orre, I noticed Sinnoh was ust the northern island of Japan rotated slightly. So, it is simple to see why it's there.

Fiore - My map of Fiore was even worse than Orre's, due to the angle. But from what I saw, it was similar to Kanto. After noting the similarity of the orange area to Kanto, I placed Fiore there. I still think I got it wrong, but my map was real bad.

Sevii Islands - Okay, so I put those there. The Sevii Islands are generally accepted to be due south of Cinnabar. From kanto's angle, I determined it would actually be South-East. So there they go.

Orange Islands - Like the Sevii Islands, they were put there. Generally, they too are accepted south of Kanto. But the Sevii Islands always seemed closer, due to the Orange Islands being more tropical, and therefore, closer to the equator. Naturally, rather than South, it was South-East due to Kanto's angles.

The last two are Pokemon regions yet to be released, thus the '???' I did not include MD's Region, as I consider it another world.


From what I can come up with, in most games South is actually South-East, except for in Colliseujm/XD and Ranger, where I think it actually would be South.


Please, read, review, and comment. Or ask questions.
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Meowth! That's right!

Cat Pokemon Trainer
Shinou is based on Hokkaido.


Stabby McStabface
Great! Thanks and congrats for making this.
And maybe those 2 '????' will be the area for next installment?

Reign G

Roggen and Rolan
Shinou is based on Hokkaido.

I know, that's why it's there on my map.


Who knows? Since the green ??? area is connected to Kanto, and the blue to Johto, you may be able to go to those regions is a region is based on those areas. I sure as heck hope so. The only thing is, Fiore was connected to Kanto, but we didn't go to Kanto in Ranger. So, if a Region is based on the ??? areas, maybe we won't connect.
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ThE FalLeN AnGeL
i thought id read somewhere that orre was actually meant to b based on the arizona desert?


The area you called Orre is actually Hoenn - but rotated.

You also messed up by putting "fiore" in an area that Kanto occupies in the games. Johto should use more land too. Infact, I think the only part you got right is Sinnoh.

I realised this ages ago anyways.


The area you called Orre is actually Hoenn - but rotated.

You also messed up by putting "fiore" in an area that Kanto occupies in the games. Johto should use more land too. Infact, I think the only part you got right is Sinnoh.

I realised this ages ago anyways.

He didn't place the borders, so he can't move them; it's a map of Japan.

I think you did very well, it all makes sense to me now. XD


Long time no see
Hmmmmm... that means that there is going to be two new regions to explore......interesting...

The carter

Marsh Trainer
Now, we all know the lands in Pokemon are based off parts of Japan, right? Well, recently, along with my good old friend Google Images, I have been working on comparing the Pokemon Regions with Japan. After much study, I came up with this:



I will be going over my reasoning of these areas one by one. Now...

Kanto - This was pretty simple. Besides it's shape, Kanto in Pokemon is based on real-life Kanto. Along with the area to the left, which is in the same shape as Johto, it had to be connected.

Johto - This was as simple as Kanto. It had an obvious shape, and it had to be to the west of Kanto, as depicted in GSC.

Hoenn - This one was actually kind of hard. I at first thought it would be where I chose Orre, but Hoenn is slightly more to the shape of the purple island. Also, it is my belief that Ever Grande City is Cianwood in Johto, as the island goes off the screen, and mountains prevent you from going east, like the western mountains in Cianwood. So, I placed it there.

Orre - Orginally, I placed it where I put Sinnoh. However, in my studies of the Sinnoh map, I realised it was closer to that area than orre, being just a rotated version of it. After inspecting the best Orre map I could find available, I determined it had to be to the south, as it didn't resemble anywhere else available.

Sinnoh - As explained for Orre, I noticed Sinnoh was ust the northern island of Japan rotated slightly. So, it is simple to see why it's there.

Fiore - My map of Fiore was even worse than Orre's, due to the angle. But from what I saw, it was similar to Kanto. After noting the similarity of the orange area to Kanto, I placed Fiore there.

Sevii Islands - Okay, so I put those there. The Sevii Islands are generally accepted to be due south of Cinnabar. From kanto's angle, I determined it would actually be South-East. So there they go.

Orange Islands - Like the Sevii Islands, they were put there. Generally, they too are accepted south of Kanto. But the Sevii Islands always seemed closer, due to the Orange Islands being more tropical, and therefore, closer to the equator. Naturally, rather than South, it was South-East due to Kanto's angles.

The last two are Pokemon regions yet to be released, thus the '???' I did not include MD's Region, as I consider it another world.


From what I can come up with, in most games South is actually South-East, except for in Colliseujm/XD and Ranger, where I think it actually would be South.


Please, read, review, and comment. Or ask questions.

wow great stuff :)

so it seems we get atleast one more generation :) :p maybe 2 ? ;)


Grass Pokemon Guru
so this means if they continue the pattern pokemon gmes will be out of places within the next 10 or so years


Well-Known Member
The area you have as Orre is actually Hoenn. Turn it 90 degrees anti-clockwise, and you have Hoenn.

Orre is based off th Arizona desert. And apart from Fiore, I knew about them anyway. Good job though.


Well-Known Member
Now, we all know the lands in Pokemon are based off parts of Japan, right? Well, recently, along with my good old friend Google Images, I have been working on comparing the Pokemon Regions with Japan. After much study, I came up with this:



I will be going over my reasoning of these areas one by one. Now...

Kanto - This was pretty simple. Besides it's shape, Kanto in Pokemon is based on real-life Kanto. Along with the area to the left, which is in the same shape as Johto, it had to be connected.

Johto - This was as simple as Kanto. It had an obvious shape, and it had to be to the west of Kanto, as depicted in GSC.

Hoenn - This one was actually kind of hard. I at first thought it would be where I chose Orre, but Hoenn is slightly more to the shape of the purple island. Also, it is my belief that Ever Grande City is Cianwood in Johto, as the island goes off the screen, and mountains prevent you from going east, like the western mountains in Cianwood. So, I placed it there.

Orre - Orginally, I placed it where I put Sinnoh. However, in my studies of the Sinnoh map, I realised it was closer to that area than orre, being just a rotated version of it. After inspecting the best Orre map I could find available, I determined it had to be to the south, as it didn't resemble anywhere else available.

Sinnoh - As explained for Orre, I noticed Sinnoh was ust the northern island of Japan rotated slightly. So, it is simple to see why it's there.

Fiore - My map of Fiore was even worse than Orre's, due to the angle. But from what I saw, it was similar to Kanto. After noting the similarity of the orange area to Kanto, I placed Fiore there.

Sevii Islands - Okay, so I put those there. The Sevii Islands are generally accepted to be due south of Cinnabar. From kanto's angle, I determined it would actually be South-East. So there they go.

Orange Islands - Like the Sevii Islands, they were put there. Generally, they too are accepted south of Kanto. But the Sevii Islands always seemed closer, due to the Orange Islands being more tropical, and therefore, closer to the equator. Naturally, rather than South, it was South-East due to Kanto's angles.

The last two are Pokemon regions yet to be released, thus the '???' I did not include MD's Region, as I consider it another world.


From what I can come up with, in most games South is actually South-East, except for in Colliseujm/XD and Ranger, where I think it actually would be South.


Please, read, review, and comment. Or ask questions.

Dont mean to be a jerk or anything but Hoenn is where you put Orre. Jusst flip it 90%. Everybody knows that and GF even admitted it. The small Islands near Kyushu(the one you called orre) even correspond to mosdeep

You got Knto and Johto and Sinnoh right

Orre was also partly based on the Arizona desert, so the place you put Hoenn on could also be another region.

The part you called Fiore is also part of Kanto. GF just made it smaller.

Anyways good map though.

I also noticed that in GSC Cianwood is on an island but the island is never fully shown, that could be the island you mistook as hoenn

At least you cleared this up for newbies who might not know that Pokemon is based of areas in Japan. I actually figured this out on my own. If you actually read my post or any of the posts above telling you your mistakes on Hoenn, please correct it so that people will stop telling you your wrong, and that you wont give newbies the wrong information.

Orre and Fiore look nothing like where you put them and they were never really specified where they were, but like the other regions, they were probably at Japan.
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Reign G

Roggen and Rolan
Thanks for the comments, I will fix that. As stated before, my maps of Orre and Fiore were extremely bad. I just made due with what I had. I'll change this right away.