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Japenese Anime

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New Member
Well , ive noticed jap. ver of anime are better then the states just look at dbz in usa and naruto , so i wanted 2 know if theres a place to get pkmn Episodes in jap. with subs , mainly for diamond and pearl but id like s1-10 because i think it be better.

and if i cant ask this im sorry just delete this post.

EDIT: i dont be mean illegal episodes , like where i could look to buy if theres jap with eng sub.
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Dragoon Paragon
Well , ive noticed jap. ver of anime are better then the states just look at dbz in usa and naruto , so i wanted 2 know if theres a place to get pkmn Episodes in jap. with subs , mainly for diamond and pearl but id like s1-10 because i think it be better.

and if i cant ask this im sorry just delete this post.

EDIT: i dont be mean illegal episodes , like where i could look to buy if theres jap with eng sub.

Pokemon isn't sold with subtitles i think. Either english dub or plain japanese. So fansubs are the only way to watch it with subs so it would make em not illegal because they don't take the spot of something the company could use to make money thus just look it up on bittorent sites.


New Member
Well i looked around bt sites , but now im look at ebay 2 , i got ep 1-2 not 3 but 4 in jap but i want to more in jap with subs , sigh DB is being wierd with pokemon.

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
It's times like these (well, actually, all the time) that I wish there were bilingual (Japanese and English) DVDs, but noooo...

Well , ive noticed jap. ver of anime are better then the states just look at dbz in usa and naruto , so i wanted 2 know if theres a place to get pkmn Episodes in jap. with subs , mainly for diamond and pearl but id like s1-10 because i think it be better.

and if i cant ask this im sorry just delete this post.

Naruto's dub doesn't really have that many edits from its original. (Then again, you didn't say how better...)


Frustrated Elf
Fansubs are hard to find because there really aren't any fansubs available. The number of people in the Pokemon fandom who know enough Japanese to release a fansub is very small, making a consistent, weekly release impossible.
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