i am writing a fan fic and i have narowed down the pokemon i want them to have to well less that it was at 1st and now i was wondering if i could get as many points of view as i can for each of the two main trainers please so i will give you a little info on characters and a list of the pokemon i want you to pick from.
Also remember to pick one of the starter pokemon there to be there starter.
here is the coordinator and hes sixteen just starting out and he has one pokemon (whatever starter you pick)
and i want you to pick his team of six out of the following pokemon, please take types into account cos he dose battle but not in gyms.
Torchic /
Bulbasaur / 2
Zigzagoon /
Taillow / 2
Squirtle /
Skitty /
Onix / 2
Growlithe / 2
Trapinch / 1
Larvitar / 1
Snorunt /
Lotad /
Totodile / 2
Pichu / 1
Mawile / 1
^_^please and thankyou ^_^
She is 18 and is on her second year of training and she has a marshtomp as her starter but she has no other pokemon because she left them all with her mum who is a pokemon ranger. she is competeing in the league and i want you to pick the best battle team of 5 out of the following pokemon please.
Poochyena / 1
Vulpix / 1
Baltoy / 1
Anorith /
Eevee (that will evolve into Umbreon) / 2
Dratini / 1
Bellsprout /
Ponyta / 1
Pidgey /
Spoink / 1
Ralts / 1
Makuhita / 1
Shroomish / 2
Geodude /
Zubat /
^_^please and thankyou^_^
i am writing a fan fic and i have narowed down the pokemon i want them to have to well less that it was at 1st and now i was wondering if i could get as many points of view as i can for each of the two main trainers please so i will give you a little info on characters and a list of the pokemon i want you to pick from.
Also remember to pick one of the starter pokemon there to be there starter.
here is the coordinator and hes sixteen just starting out and he has one pokemon (whatever starter you pick)
and i want you to pick his team of six out of the following pokemon, please take types into account cos he dose battle but not in gyms.
Torchic /
Bulbasaur / 2
Zigzagoon /
Taillow / 2
Squirtle /
Skitty /
Onix / 2
Growlithe / 2
Trapinch / 1
Larvitar / 1
Snorunt /
Lotad /
Totodile / 2
Pichu / 1
Mawile / 1
^_^please and thankyou ^_^
She is 18 and is on her second year of training and she has a marshtomp as her starter but she has no other pokemon because she left them all with her mum who is a pokemon ranger. she is competeing in the league and i want you to pick the best battle team of 5 out of the following pokemon please.
Poochyena / 1
Vulpix / 1
Baltoy / 1
Anorith /
Eevee (that will evolve into Umbreon) / 2
Dratini / 1
Bellsprout /
Ponyta / 1
Pidgey /
Spoink / 1
Ralts / 1
Makuhita / 1
Shroomish / 2
Geodude /
Zubat /
^_^please and thankyou^_^
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