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Jees, I'm confused...

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Strike! You're out!
Ok, I need to get this straight. I want to get a Tyranitar that knows Dragon Dance. For that, I need another Poke that knows Dragon Dance too breed with a Larvitar/Pupitar/Tyranitar. In this case, it's Tyranitar. The Tyranitar is male, so it should turn into a Larvitar right? But that's just weird. Egg moves require the male to know them and my Tyranitar can't learn Dragon Dance. So it's impossible to get him, right? Or should I just hit myself for the head and know that I need a Female Tyranitar to get a Larvitar? If so, then why can I use a Male Tyranitar to breed with a Ditto?


Strike! You're out!
It is but I don't care. And it's not the problem that I don't have a Poke with DD since I can use my Salamence for that.

top 8 guy

Sometimes you must breed one pokemon then another to get the right move :p eg togetic=skitty=eevee with wish


Strike! You're out!
... You don't get it. I have a MALE Tyranitar ok? Now, my Salamence is FEMALE and knows DD. Well, serebii.net says that Tyranitar is able to learn DD as an egg move. But my Tyranitar is MALE and only MALE Pokes can pass on egg moves. So I'm stuck with a Tyranitar that can't learn DD? And if I make a Female Larvitar and breed that with Salamence, I´m getting a Bagon right?

Shiny Bashamo

Isn't it cute ^^
... You don't get it. I have a MALE Tyranitar ok? Now, my Salamence is FEMALE and knows DD. Well, serebii.net says that Tyranitar is able to learn DD as an egg move. But my Tyranitar is MALE and only MALE Pokes can pass on egg moves. So I'm stuck with a Tyranitar that can't learn DD? And if I make a Female Larvitar and breed that with Salamence, I´m getting a Bagon right?

No your wrong, If you breed your Male tyranitar with a Female salamence then you'll get a Bagon, If you breed a female larvitar with male salamence you'll get a Larvitar.



Completing The Trio
tyranitar and salamence cannot breed directly anyway

first of all in order to get DD on any other pokemon you need a male salamence , once you have that then do the following

you need an intermediate pokemon

breed your male salamence that knows DD with a ditto until you get a male bagon that male bagon will now know DD

breed that bagon with a female charmander/meleon/zard until you get a male charmander that knows DD

now breed that male charmander/meleon/zard with a female tyranitar/pupitar/lavitar

you now have a larvitar that knows DD

[oh and the reason why you can breed a male tyranitar with a ditto is because the ditto becomes the female form of tyranitar when it transforms in daycare]
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The Plot Thickens
Breed dragonite and charizard when dragonite knows dragon dance to have charmander. take male charmander and breed with female tyranitar, and larvitar has dragon dance!


Completing The Trio
^you can't get dragonite or any of its prevolutions in ruby/sapphire or emerald without ttrading so thats not going to be helpful


Well-Known Member
u cant tyrouge either

so you have a male tyranitar with ddance yes? So breed it with ditto or a female tyranitar and voila.

If you wanna pass dd to tyranitar, here are the egg chains
Swablu (Dragon Dance - Evolve) > Charmander > Tyranitar
Seadra (Dragon Dance - Lv.62) > Lapras > Tyranitar
Seadra (Dragon Dance - Lv.62) > Charmander > Tyranitar
Magikarp (Dragon Dance - Evolve) > Charmander > Tyranitar
Kingdra (Dragon Dance - Lv.62) > Lapras > Tyranitar
Kingdra (Dragon Dance - Lv.62) > Charmander > Tyranitar
Horsea (Dragon Dance - Lv.50) > Lapras > Tyranitar
Horsea (Dragon Dance - Lv.50) > Charmander > Tyranitar
Gyarados (Dragon Dance - Lv.50) > Charmander > Tyranitar
Altaria (Dragon Dance - Lv.40) > Charmander > Tyranitar
Swablu (Dragon Dance - Evolve) > Dratini > Lapras > Tyranitar
Magikarp (Dragon Dance - Evolve) > Dratini > Lapras > Tyranitar
Gyarados (Dragon Dance - Lv.50) > Dratini > Lapras > Tyranitar
Altaria (Dragon Dance - Lv.40) > Dratini > Lapras > Tyranitar

the egg will have the following

pokemon type of the female
moves of the male (if passable)

BTW tyranitar and salamence cant breed.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
SlwaBluPhnx pretty much gave you all the info you need to know--you need a male Pokemon with DD and a female Tyranitar to make a baby Larvitar with DD.

If you still need any help or information, there's a breeding sticky that you should post in instead of making a new thread:



-Answered, closed
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