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Jhoto NU Team ^^


rock the Casbah!
OK, this is my idea for a neverused Jhoto team. Let me know what you think. Give advice. ANd if you dont like Aipom... well, what can i say. Your just not human :p

1 Ariados ;168;
@Salac/Liechi Berry [OR] Silverpowder
-Signal Beam
-Sludge Bomb
-Batton Pass

2 Piloswine ;221;
@Chesto Berry
-Ice Beam

3 Togetic ;176;
.:Serene Grace:.
-Protect/Seismic Toss

4 Sudowoodo ;185;
@Silk Scarf
.:Rock Head:.
-Double Edge
-Rock Slide

5 Girafarig ;203;
-Psych Up

6 Aipom ;190;
@Quick Claw [Cos I dont want to use any more leftovers than nessicary]
-Mega Kick
-Batton Pass
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Brains for brawn
This seems like a link battle team, correct?
You might want to EV train.
Items like Silverpowder and Silk Scarf are useless, pick something else.

And Girafarig is NU.


rock the Casbah!
Its not a link team, its for netbattle. Yes, I know, Ill probably loose. Infact definatly loose, but hey, its more original than half the teams you see in netbattle right?
And im having a little trouble with EVs, any ideas?
And silk scarf isnt that useless, it bosts Sudowoodos Non-Recoil Double Edge from 120 to 132, but if you can recomend something else Ill change it.
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Well-Known Member
@Quick Claw [Cos I dont want to use any more leftovers than nessicary]

Use as many Lefties as you like on NB, noone will mind, but they might mind you using a hax item like Quick Claw.

For Sudowoodo try:

Focus Punch
Rock Slide

or if you keep your original set use Choice Band.
Yes it does, but Swagger + Psych Up will get Girafarig killed quickly if the opposing Pokemon connects. (Typical switch is to physical sweeper since most people think Girafarig is a CMer.)

OK, this is my idea for a neverused Jhoto team. Let me know what you think. Give advice. ANd if you dont like Aipom... well, what can i say. Your just not human :p

1 Ariados ;168;
-Signal Beam
-Sludge Bomb
-Batton Pass

2 Piloswine ;221;
-Ice Beam

3 Togetic ;176;
.:Serene Grace:.
Seismic Toss
Thunder Wave


4 Sudowoodo ;185;
@Choice Band
.:Rock Head:.
-Double Edge
-Rock Slide

5 Girafarig ;203;
Calm Mind
Baton Pass


6 Aipom ;190;
@Choice Band
Shadow Ball
Focus Punch
Sleep Talk/Thunder Wave

I would try giving you EVs, but I need to know if this is for standard or NU.
Its not a link team, its for netbattle. Yes, I know, Ill probably loose. Infact definatly loose, but hey, its more original than half the teams you see in netbattle right?
And im having a little trouble with EVs, any ideas?
And silk scarf isnt that useless, it bosts Sudowoodos Non-Recoil Double Edge from 120 to 132, but if you can recomend something else Ill change it.

If you don't care about winning and only care about original teams a recommand this :

Magicarp @ Ultra ball

Feebas @ Fire Stone

Weedle @ Blackglasses
Poison Sting
String shot

Togepi @ Pokeball

Pichu @ Macho Brace
Volt tackle

Mewtwo @ Lefties

Now THIS is an original team !


rock the Casbah!
Im afraid i Dont see Aipom there, My good sir.
Anyway, I messed around with the movesets and items and put EV's on them. BUt the EVs are all over the place, so if you could give me a hand with em, thatd be great:


Ariados (F) @ Salac Berry
Trait: Insomnia
EVs: 118 HP / 188 Atk / 111 Def / 93 Spd
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Agility
- Baton Pass
- Signal Beam
- Sludge Bomb [Agilty, then attack. Signal Beam for Grass and Dark types]


Aipom (F) @ Liechi Berry
Trait: Run Away
EVs: 93 HP / 255 Atk / 162 Def
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Attract
- Mega Kick
- Shadow Ball
- Toxic [Toxic, Attract so they might not hit, Then Speed up their death with Mega Kick, Shadow Ball for Ghost+Flying types.]


Piloswine (M) @ Chesto Berry
Trait: Oblivious
EVs: 255 HP / 51 Def / 204 SDef
Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)
- Amnesia
- Earthquake
- Ice Beam
- Rest [Nothing sepecial here]


Girafarig (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Early Bird
EVs: 60 HP / 177 Atk / 155 Def / 59 SAtk / 59 SDef
Hardy Nature (Neutral)
- Baton Pass
- Psych Up
- Psychic
- Swagger [switch out swagger once or twice, the Bpass to Sudoowodoo or Aipom]


Togetic (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Hustle
EVs: 85 HP / 127 Atk / 255 Def / 43 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Counter
- Encore
- Wish
- Softboiled [Wish, then Encore a physical move and counter until dead. Softboiled for a bit more recovery]


Sudowoodo (F) @ Liechi Berry
Trait: Rock Head
EVs: 174 HP / 255 Atk / 81 Spd
Hasty Nature (+Spd, -Def)
- Double-Edge
- Earthquake
- Explosion
- Rock Slide [The guy who does the dammage. Liechi to boost Explosion]
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prophecy fulfilled
sudowoodo is too slow to use liechi well, use choice band instead

you're also wasting evs

in the expert window of the team builder, click the tick box that says 'snap'


Well-Known Member
Except this team is probably a theme of Jhoto NUs. They were introduced to pokemon in the 2nd Gen.